Credential Assessment
If either your degree or practical training were not approved by the College, your education and/or practical training will be assessed to determine whether it meets the minimum standards of an approved program in Canada.
The credential assessment is a paper exercise. You will arrange for your education institution to send the College details about the structure and content of your education and/or practical training. The College will compare that information to the standards set for Canadian dietetics education programs.
Two important things to understand if you are considering the credential assessment option:
- The College compares the written information about your education and training against the national standards. The written information must demonstrate that your education and training addressed all of the foundational knowledge and performance indicators outlined in the standards.
- The credential assessment considers only formal education and training. If you gained additional knowledge through work experience or practical training, this will not be captured in a credential assessment.
Canadian Standards for Dietetic Education and Training
The Partnership for Dietetics Education and Practice (PDEP) has developed the national competency standards for dietetics education and is the accrediting body approved by the College for Canadian dietetics education programs.
When assessing your education and training, the College will compare the information provided by your institution to foundational knowledge and performance indicators outlined in the Integrated Competencies for Dietetics Education and Practice (ICDEP) and the accreditation standards.
The College has developed a website to explain the minimum standards required for dietetic practice in Canada and to help you assess your current knowledge and skills against those standards.
How will Credential Assessment results be communicated
When your assessment has been completed, the College will notify you of the results by email. The letter will communicate the College’s decision and explain the reasons for the decision.
- If your education and training meets the minimum standards, your application will be assessed against the other registration requirements to determine your eligibility for a temporary certificate while you wait to write the national registration examination.
- If your education and training does not meet the minimum standards, your application will be refused. The decision and reasons will identify which requirements were not met and will communicate what gaps were identified in your education and/or practical training.
- Sample report – gaps in education and practical training
Addressing Gaps in Education and/or Training
If the College finds gaps in your dietetics knowledge, skill and judgment, you will receive a letter outlining the specific competency gaps that were identified. You will need to complete additional education and/or training to address those gaps in order to meet the dietetics education and training requirement.
- If the gaps are significant, you may wish to consider completing an accredited dietetics degree and/or practical training in Canada, or
- You may choose to complete stand-alone courses and/or training to address any missing foundational knowledge and performance indicators.
Process for completing an accredited dietetics degree and/or practical training in Canada
To complete a Canadian accredited degree and/or practical training, you must contact the program directly to get information about the application process and admission requirements.
Process for address specific gaps in education and/or training
For gaps in foundational knowledge and/or academic performance indicators:
- Select one or more schools offering accredited dietetics programs in Canada or the United States.
- Contact the school for information about its admission requirements.
- Show the documents you received from the College to the school.
- Complete additional courses to address gaps and meet the dietetics requirement.
- Once you have completed courses and/or training to address the gaps identified, submit a new application and fee for credential assessment.
- The College will complete a new assessment to determine if you have met the education and training requirements.
- You will receive a new decision and reasons. If the College finds that the additional education did not address all of the knowledge and competency gaps, those gaps will be identified in the new decision and reasons, and you will need to completed additional education to address those gaps.
For gaps in practicum performance indicators (practical training):
- Review the independent practicum guide
- Find an advisor
- Complete practical training
- Prepare independent practicum submission
- Submit a new application and fee for credential assessment.
- You will receive a new decision and reasons. If the College finds that the additional education did not address all of the knowledge and competency gaps, those gaps will be identified in the new decision and reasons, and you will need to completed additional education to address those gaps.
Click here for instructions on how to apply for credential assessment.
- The College will not approve your selections in advance. It is your responsibility to select your education and/or training courses.
- Look online and review course outlines and descriptions or syllabi information to check that the course content addresses your identified competency gaps.
- Online or distance education courses can be used to address some competency gaps. Consider schools inside and outside Ontario that offer course options.
- Any courses you complete must be equivalent to university level study in Canada.
- If you complete courses in the US, the university must be regionally-accredited. For US universities that are not regionally-accredited, you must have your transcript assessed by WES Canada for equivalency.