
Cannabis: What You Need to Know

Created On: 11/21/2018
The College has already received calls from dietitians asking how the legalization of recreational cannabis will impact their practice. The same laws and regulations and the same professional practice obligations and responsibilities apply to recreational cannabis as to any ot...

Professional Practice Question

Created On: 11/21/2018
The College does not require a physician’s referral for RDs to see clients, nor does it restrict them from seeing clients who are referred by other health care providers. The guiding principle for all referrals is that regardless of how a client is referred, the reason for the...

What Happens After The College Receives A Mandatory Report

Created On: 1/5/2021
What Happens After the College Receives a Report about a dietitian What happens AFTER the COLLEGE receives A report about a Dietitian   The College ensures that investigation processes and outcomes are fair, consistent, and unbiased. Although there are no timelines...

Are You Practising Through A Delegation of a Controlled Act?

Created On: 4/26/2021
It is essential to recognize that the job responsibilities of dietitians are evolving due to changes in technology, changes in the dietetic body of knowledge and, the changes in programs and policies relating to the health care delivery system. These changes may mean that die...

Professional Practice Question: What Do I Need to Know about Closing My Private Practice?

Created On: 2/4/2022
Thinking of closing your private practice? Are you retiring or moving out of a private practice setting? Here are three topics to consider if you’re thinking of transitioning from private practice: Record Keeping: What considerations are there for my client records when clo...

Dépassement des limites ou conflit d’intérêts ?

Created On: 6/19/2018
Bien que certains dépassements des limites puissent aussi être un conflit d’intérêts, il ne s’agit pas toujours de la même chose. Que la diététiste soit en présence d’un conflit d’intérêts ou d’un dépassement des limites, la menace potentielle vient du fait que la situation p...

Énoncé de position et lignes directrices - Ajustement des doses d'insuline

Created On: 10/2/2023
ÉNONCÉ DE POSITION ET LIGNES DIRECTRICES -  aJustement des doses d'insuline L'Ordre des diététistes de l'Ontario réglemente les diététistes pour la protection du public. Conformément au cadre normatif de l’exercice de la profession (en anglais) de l’Ordre, le présent énon...

Politique de confidentialité

Created On: 5/11/2023
obtenir les Directions politique de confidentialité (en anglais) Coordonnées  de l'ordre Telephone (416) 598-1725 or 1-800-668-4990 Fax (416) 598-0274 Mail Ordre des diététistes de l'Ontario 175, rue Bloor Est ...

Normes et lignes directrices - media sociaux

Created On: 8/10/2023
SOCIAL MEDIA Standards and Guidelines Print D É FINITIONS   Médias sociaux  [1,2] Formes de communication électronique (p. ex., sites Web et applications) au moyen desquelles les diététistes peuvent personnellement ou professionnellement créer et partager de l'...

Normes et lignes directrices - media sociaux

Created On: 8/23/2023
NORMES ET LIGNES DIRECTRICES sur les médias sociaux Print D É FINITIONS   Médias sociaux  [1,2] Formes de communication électronique (p. ex., sites Web et applications) au moyen desquelles les diététistes peuvent personnellement ou professionnellement créer et p...