
Delegation Reg Talks

Created On: 4/28/2021
Thank you to all the participants.  We really enjoyed the participation, questions, and survey feedback from the dietitians who participated in the Reg Talks webinars we held in March and April about the new  Standard for Dietitians Practising Through Delegation of Control...

Collaborative Care Professional Practice Guidelines

Created On: 7/7/2021
Guidelines Collaborative Care Print Imprimer Guidelines Collaborative Care Professional Practice Guidelines for Registered Dietitians in Ontario Approved by Council  December 7, 2018 GLOSSARY   Collaborative Care : a style of care that involves a t...

Privacy Breaches: Obligations for Dietitians

Created On: 9/3/2020
Privacy Breaches Obligations for Dietitians WHAT IS  A PRIVACY BREACH? (revised September 2020)   Under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA), a privacy breach is the unauthorized use, disclosure, loss or theft of personal health informati...

Politiques du Programme de l'inscription (anglais seulement)

Created On: 6/24/2024
polititiques du Programme de l'inscription (en anglais) General Policies <!---Policy 1-10---> 1-10 Application Files to Committee Open FAQ Close FAQ Policy Name:   1-10 Application Files to Committee Established:   January 23, 1998 Reviewed: Revise...