
Professional Obligations

Created On: 2/9/2021
PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS Professionalism for Registered Dietitians means being competent, honest and fair in their practice. Dietitians are guided by a  Code of Ethics , professional standards and competencies that set out their obligations and responsibilities for provid...

Speaking Engagement

Created On: 10/6/2020
COI Scenario Speaking Engagment Speaking Engagement Normally, you work on salary from 8:30 to 4:30. Your job provides you with a lot of independence and off-site work. A community partner asks you to provide a presentation at a community group during a weekday afternoon. ...

Quality Assurance

Created On: 9/21/2023
Through participation in the Quality Assurance Program, the College: Assists registrants to improve their individual competence; Identifies registrants demonstrating a need for improvement in competence and provides support for enhancement; Evaluates dietitians' participa...

How College Fees are Set

Created On: 5/8/2024
College fees How they are Set All College fees are set to recover the cost of regulating the profession of dietetics in Ontario in the interest of public protection. Our regulatory obligations are stipulated in legislation by the provincial government within the Reg...

Suspensions and Revocations

Created On: 2/4/2021
Suspensions and Revocations A member's Certificate of Registration may be suspended or revoked by the College: As a result of a College finding that a member has committed an act of professional misconduct, is not competent or is not fit to practice. For non-complian...

Disclosing Personal Health Information via the Internet

Created On: 1/16/2021
Scenario Disclosure of Personal Health Information Communicating with a Client Via Email and Facebook   A client asks a dietitian specific questions about her nutrition care plan by email. She also asks a question on the dietitian’s professional Facebook page. What are...

What to Expect from an RD

Created On: 2/6/2023
What to expect from a dietitian RESPECTFUL  RELATIONSHIPS There is zero tolerance for abuse of clients by dietitians in Ontario. The College of Dietitians of Ontario works with members to prevent sexual abuse and maintain respectful, professional relationships between ...

Politiques du Programme de l'inscription (anglais seulement)

Created On: 6/24/2024
polititiques du Programme de l'inscription (en anglais) General Policies <!---Policy 1-10---> 1-10 Application Files to Committee Open FAQ Close FAQ Policy Name:   1-10 Application Files to Committee Established:   January 23, 1998 Reviewed: Revise...