Standards & Guidelines
Standards & Guidelines
The role of the College is to protect the public by regulating the dietetic profession in Ontario. One way we do this by creating standards, practice guidelines and policies to help guide dietitians and ensure safe, competent, and ethical dietetic practice.
What is the difference between the various documents?
As per the Framework for Standards of Professional Practice, the following College documents are defined:
- Standards articulate the minimum performance expectations for dietitians to fulfill their professional responsibility to provide safe, ethical, and competent client-centered services. These are expressed using terms “must, shall, require, expect.”
- Standards are defined as the required behaviours for which dietitians are held accountable.
Practice Guidelines:
- Practice Guidelines are regulatory in nature and do not replace clinical practice guidelines.
- They provide suggestions for voluntary behaviour to assist prudent practitioners and articulate recommendations for safe, competent, and ethical dietetic practice. These are expressed using terms, “should”, “are encouraged”.
Position and/or Policy Statements:
- Position and/or Policy Statements generally describe what the College will do in certain circumstances (i.e. an interpretation of existing legal opinions). However, policy Statements may also guide the profession.
Advisory Statements/Practice Articles:
- Advisory Statements and Practice Articles generally provide notice to the profession of requirements (i.e. legal requirements, Ministry of Health information, etc.).
These documents are intended to be used in conjunction with one another and not in isolation. Relevant legislation, the Code of Ethics, College Standards and Guidelines, position or policy statements serve the public, dietitians, and the College and its Committees when considering dietitian practice or conduct.
- Advertising Standards and Guidelines
- Collecting Capillary Blood Samples through Skin Pricking & Monitoring the Blood Readings (Point of Care Testing)
- Consent to Treatment and for the Collection Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
- Professional Practice Standards for Record Keeping
- Social Media Standards and Guidelines
- Standards & Guidelines for Professional Practice: Conflict of Interest
- Standard for Dietitians Practising Through Delegation of Controlled Acts
- Virtual Care Standards & Guidelines for Dietitians in Ontario
- Pandemic Guide for Registered Dietitians in Ontario
- Pandemic Policy & Planning Guide, 2020
- Collaborative Care Professional Practice Guidelines (2019)
- Boundary Guidelines for Professional Therapeutic RD-Client Relationships
- Record Keeping Guidelines
- Privacy of Personal Information Dietetic Practice Tool Kit
- Private Practice Set-Up Guide
- Infection Control for Regulated Healthcare Professionals
- Medical Waste Disposal Guidelines
- Guidelines for Supervising Dietetic Learners
Position Statements
Note: This website provides current and updated information. Should there be a difference with documentation previously distributed to registrants, it is up to the registrants to source the latest version posted on the College website.