Privacy Policy
College of Dietitians of Ontario Privacy Policy
- Preamble
- Definition of Terms
- Principle 1 – Accountability
- Principle 2 – Identifying Purposes
- Principle 3 – Consent
- Principle 4 – Limiting Collection
- Principle 5 – Limiting Use, Disclosure or Retention
- Principle 6 – Accuracy
- Principle 7 – Safeguards
- Principle 8 – Openness
- Principle 9 – Individual Access
- Principle 10 – Challenging compliance
SCHEDULE 1: Regulated Health Professions Act, Section 36 : Confidentiality
SCHEDULE 2: Confidentiality Policies for Council, Committees
Dietetics is a self-governing health profession in Ontario under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA). Under the RHPA, it is the duty of the Minister of Health and Long Term Care to ensure that health professions are regulated and co-ordinated in the public interest.
The College of Dietitians of Ontario was established by the Dietetics Act, 1991, and has the following objects as set out in the Health Professions Procedural Code (being Schedule 2 to the RHPA):
- To regulate the practice of the profession and to govern the registrants in accordance with the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, and the regulations and by-laws.
- To develop, establish and maintain standards of qualification for persons to be issued certificates of registration.
- To develop, establish and maintain programs and standards of practice to assure the quality of the practice of the profession.
- To develop, establish and maintain standards of knowledge and skill and programs to promote continuing competence among the registrants.
- To develop, establish and maintain standards of professional ethics for the registrants.
- To develop, establish and maintain programs to assist individuals to exercise their rights under this Code and the Regulated Health Professions Act,1991.
- To administer the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated Health Professions Act,1991, as it relates to the profession and to perform the other duties and exercise the other powers that are imposed or conferred on the College.
- To promote and enhance relations between the Colleges and its registrants, other health profession colleges, key stakeholders, and the public.
- To promote inter-professional collaboration with other health profession colleges.
- To develop, establish and maintain standards and programs to promote the ability of registrants to respond to changes in practice environments, advances in technology and other emerging issues.
- Any other objects relating to human health care that the Council considers desirable.
The College has added another object regarding human health resource planning:
- To engage in and facilitate, with appropriate partners, human health resource planning and research and direct the Executive Committee and Registrar/ED to take appropriate action, including entering into agreements and arrangements with third parties to achieve this object. In carrying out its objects, the College has a duty to serve and protect the public interest.
The legal powers and duties of the College are set out in the RHPA, the Health Professions Procedural Code and the Dietetics Act, 1991. The activities of the College are subject to a number of oversight mechanisms including both general and specific oversight by the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and specific oversight by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council and the Office of the Fairness Commissioner.
In the course of fulfilling its mandate, the College may collect, use and disclose personal information regarding applicants for registration, registrants, registrants’ patients and persons employed, retained, elected or appointed for the purpose of the administration of the Legislation.
The personal information being collected is critical to the College’s ability to effectively regulate the profession in the public interest. When requested by the Minister, the College is also obliged to collect information directly from registrants for the purpose of Ministry human health resources planning. The College has been designated by Industry Canada as an “investigative body” under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. This means the College can with few exceptions collect, and third parties can provide, personal information to the College without the consent of the individual involved, including that of clients. In addition, the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 expressly permits health information custodians to provide personal health information to the College without consent. The most relevant provisions of that Act are as follows:
Non-Application of the Act
9. (2) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to interfere with,…
(e) the regulatory activities of a College under the Regulated Heath Professions Act, 1991, the College under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998 or the Board under the Drugless Practitioners Act;
Disclosures related to this or other Acts
43. (1) A health information custodian may disclose personal health information about an individual,…
b) to a College within the meaning of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 or an Act named in Schedule 1 to that Act.
Individuals who are employed, retained or appointed by the College for the purposes of the administration of the RHPA or the Dietetics Act, 1991, as well as every member of College Council or a College committee are required by section 36 of the RHPA to keep confidential all information that comes to their knowledge in the course of their duties. Although there are certain limited exceptions to this duty of confidentiality, a breach of this provision can lead to the imposition of fines of up to $50,000.00 for an individual and $200,000 for a corporation. (Section 36 of the RHPA is attached as Schedule 1 to this Privacy Code.)
In addition, personal information handled by the College is subject to the provisions of this Privacy Code.
The College’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information in the course of carrying out its regulatory activities is done for the purpose of regulating the profession in the public interest, human resources planning and quality care management. These activities are not of a commercial character. Accordingly, the performance of the College of its statutory duties is not covered by the federal legislation titled the “Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.” The College has adopted this Privacy Code voluntarily to provide a mechanism through which the College can provide appropriate privacy rights to individuals involved in the College’s activities, while still enabling the College to meet its statutory mandate under the RHPA, the Health Professions Procedural Code and the Dietetics Act, 1991.
Definition of Terms
The following terms used in this Privacy Code have the meanings set out below:
- “Board” means the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board.
- “By-laws” means the by-laws of the College passed under the authority of section 94 of Health Professions Procedural Code.
- “Client” is deemed to include an individual, family and/or substitute decision-maker, group, agency, employer, employee, organization, or community who is a potential or actual recipient of the dietitian’s expertise. The client is unique and diverse in needs, culture, motivations, resources, religion, and perception of wellness to whom an applicant or registrant of the College has purported to provide professional services.
- “College” means College of Dietitians of Ontario.
- “Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee” means the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College as required by s. 10 of the RHPA Procedural Code.
- “Discipline Committee” means the Discipline Committee of the College as required by s. 10 of the RHPA Procedural Code.
- “Legislation” means the RHPA, RHPA Procedural Code, Dietetics Act, 1991, Regulations and By-laws.
- “Registrant” means a member of the College.
- “Organization” includes an individual, a corporation, an association, a partnership, and a trade union.
- “Personal information” means information about an identifiable individual but does not include the name, title, business address or business telephone number of an individual or any other information required to be posted on the College’s website by the RHPA or College by-laws.
- “Privacy Committee” means the Executive Committee.
- “Profession Specific Act” means Dietetics Act, 1991.
- “Registration Committee” means the Registration Committee of the College as required by s. 10 of the Health Professions Procedural Code.
- “Regulations” means the regulations made under the RHPA and/or regulations made under the Dietetics Act, 1991.
- “RHPA” means the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 as amended from time to time.
- “RHPA Procedural Code” means the Health Professions Procedural Code (being Schedule 2 to the RHPA).
Principle 1: Accountability
The Registrar is accountable for compliance with these policies and procedures. Complaints or questions regarding the manner in which personal information is being handled by the College should be directed to the Registrar who can be reached at:
College of Dietitians of Ontario
175 Bloor Street East, Suite 601, North tower
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R8
Tel.: 416-598-1725
Toll-free: 1-800-668-4990
The College will provide orientation and training to all new employees and appointees as well as all members of Council, committees or working groups regarding their obligations pursuant to section 36 of the RHPA and this Privacy Code. All employees, council, committee and working groups members and contractors who have access to personal information sign confidentiality agreements with reference to the secrecy provisions of the RHPA.
The College’s confidentiality policies for employees, Council and committees and the Record & Retention Policy are available on request.
Principle 2: Identifying Purposes
The purpose for which the College collects, uses and discloses personal information is to administer and enforce the legislation, to support human resources planning and contribute to the management of quality in the delivery of patient care.
Information about Registrants
The College collects and uses personal information regarding its registrants and applicants for the following purposes:
- To assess whether a registrant continues to meet the standards of qualification for a certificate of registration;
- To investigate complaints regarding the conduct or actions of a registrant of the College;
- To investigate whether a registrant has committed an act of professional misconduct or is incompetent;
- To inquire whether a registrant is incapacitated;
- To negotiate and implement informal resolutions, including and undertakings that provide for reviewing samples of client records
- To hold a hearing of allegations of a registrant’s professional misconduct or incompetence or of allegations that a registrant is incapacitated;
- To carry out the quality assurance program of the College, including an assessment of the records, practice of its registrants, SDL Tools and Practice Assessment;
- To administer the program established by the College to provide funding for therapy and counselling for persons who, while patients, were sexually abused by registrants of the College;
- To investigate reports filed about registrants of the College under the RHPA Procedural Code;
- To assess whether a former registrant’s certificate of registration should be reinstated;
- To provide statistical information for human resource planning and demographic and research studies for regulatory purposes or as required by the Minister of Health and Long Term Care;
- To provide information about registrants to the public for regulatory purposes such as public register information and information about discipline hearings;
- To administer or enforce the Legislations
- To transfer information about registrants to eHealth Ontario for the purposes outlined in the Ontario eHealth Notice of Collection;
The College may collect personal information regarding a registrant from the registrant, employers and colleagues of the registrant, patients of the registrant and other persons, for the purposes set out above. Personal information regarding registrants is collected by the College from time to time and at regular intervals.
The College discloses personal information regarding its registrants only as permitted by section 36 of the RHPA or as required by law or to transfer information about registrants to establish the ehealth provider registry. For example, the College is required under the RHPA Procedural Code to maintain a register containing information about its registrants on its website. The RHPA Procedural Code and the By-laws require the College to provide access to designated information to a person who requests it.
Information about Employers, Colleagues and Clients
The College collects and uses personal information regarding the employers, colleagues and patients of registrants of the College for the following purposes:
- To investigate complaints regarding the conduct or actions of a registrant of the College;
- To investigate whether a registrant has committed an act of professional misconduct or is incompetent;
- To inquire whether a registrant is incapacitated;
- To hold a hearing of allegations of a registrant’s professional misconduct or incompetence or of allegations that a registrant is incapacitated;
- To negotiate and implement informal resolutions, including and undertakings that provide for reviewing samples of client records;
- To carry out the quality assurance program of the College, including an assessment of the records and practice of its registrants;
- To administer the program established by the College to provide funding for therapy and counselling for persons who, while patients, were sexually abused by registrants of the College;
- To investigate reports filed about registrants of the College under the RHPA Procedural Code;
- To assess whether a registrant continues to meet the standards of qualification for a certificate of registration;
- To assess whether a former registrant’s certificate of registration should be reinstated;
- To provide information about registrants to the public for regulatory purposes such as public register information and information about discipline hearings;
- To administer or enforce the Legislation;
The College may collect personal information regarding an employer, colleague and patient of a registrant of the College from the employer, the colleague, the patient the registrant and other persons, for the purposes set out above.
The College discloses personal information regarding the employers, colleagues, patients of registrants of the College only as permitted by section 36 of the RHPA or as required by law or to transfer information about registrants to establish the ehealth provider registry. For example, hearings of the Discipline Committee are required, subject to certain exceptions, to be open to the public.
Evidence at a hearing of the Discipline Committee may include personal information regarding the registrant of the College who is the subject of the allegation of professional misconduct or incompetence, as well as personal information regarding the registrant’s patients related to the allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence. Another example of disclosure of personal information about patients of registrants of the College relates to complaints regarding the conduct or actions of registrants of the College. Where a complainant, who is frequently a patient of a registrant, or a registrant does not agree with a decision of the Complaints Committee, subject to certain exceptions, either person can request a review by the Board. The RHPA Procedural Code requires that the College disclose to the Board a record of the investigation and the documents and things upon which the decision was based. This disclosure of personal information about a patient of a registrant to the Board is required under the RHPA Procedural Code.
Personal health information disclosed to the College by a custodian is only used for the purpose for which the disclosure was made (i.e., to enable the College to regulate its registrants and the practice of the profession) or to enable the College to carry out its statutory and legal duties. This is consistent with s. 49 of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.
Information about Applicants for Registration and Potential Registrants
The College collects and uses personal information regarding applicants and potential registrants, the patients of applicants and potential registrants and the dietitians who supervise applicants or potential registrants to assess whether an applicant or potential registrant meets, and continues to meet, the standards of qualification to be issued a certificate of registration and to administer or enforce the Legislation. The College discloses personal information regarding applicants and potential registrants and their patients only as permitted by Section 36 of the RHPA or as required by law. For example, the RHPA Procedural Code provides a procedure for an applicant who does not agree with a decision of the Registration Committee to request a review or a hearing by the Board. The RHPA Procedural Code requires that the College disclose to the Board a copy of the order and reasons of the Registration Committee and the documents and things upon which the decision was based. This disclosure of personal information to the Board is required under the RHPA Procedural Code.
Information Related to Unauthorized Practice and Holding Out
The College collects and uses personal information regarding individuals who may be practising the profession of dietetics or holding themselves out as practicing the profession and their patients to investigate whether the individual has contravened or is contravening the Legislation and to administer or enforce the Legislation. The College discloses personal information regarding such individuals only as permitted by section 36 of the RHPA or as required by law.
Information Related to Administering the Legislation
The College collects and uses personal information regarding individuals who are retained, elected or appointed for the purpose of the administration of the Dietetics Act, 199, including the following:
- To review prospective candidates and retain or appoint persons for the purpose of the administration of the Act;
- To maintain records to ensure accurate remuneration and payment of expenses, and all documentation required by law and by the various levels of government in accordance with sound accounting practices;
- To communicate with the person (e.g., home contact information)
- To maintain accurate and fair accounts of any disputes, possible conflicts of interest or misconduct involving a person retained or appointed for the purpose of the administration of the Act or a registrant of the Council or committee of the College for purpose of making payments and providing benefits.
The College discloses personal information regarding the individuals referred to above only as permitted by section 36 of the RHPA or as required by law.
Information Related to the Sale of College Materials
The College collects and uses personal information regarding individuals who order print materials from the College. The use of the information is limited to:
- Processing payments
- Mailing or shipping the materials that are ordered
Specifying the Identified Purpose
Where practicable, the College will make a reasonable effort to specify the identified purposes to the individual from whom the personal information is collected, either at the time of collection or after collection but before use, except where to do so would defeat the purpose of the Legislation or be inconsistent with the Legislation.
The College will state the identified purposes in such a manner that an individual can reasonably understand how the information will be used or disclosed.
Where personal information is collected for one purpose, the College reserves the right to use and disclose the information for another regulatory purpose where it is in the public interest to do so. For example, when the College is investigating a complaint it may review the other files at the College about that registrant as it is required under the RHPA Procedural Code, subject to some limited exceptions, to consider all prior decisions involving the registrant.
Principle 3: Consent
The College collects personal information for purposes related to its objects (see Preamble for the College’s objects) including for the purpose of the proper administration and enforcement of the Legislation and for other related regulatory purposes. In carrying out its objects, the College has a duty to serve and protect the public interest.
Where practicable, the College will make a reasonable effort to specify the identified purposes to the individual from whom the personal information is collected as described in Principle 2 and to obtain his or her consent. However, obtaining consent from the individual would, in many cases, defeat the purpose behind the College’s collection, use and disclosure of the personal information.
Personal information will only be collected, used and disclosed without the knowledge and consent of the individual for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of the Legislation and in accordance with any applicable provisions of the Legislation. For example, personal information about a patient may be collected and used without the patient’s consent for the purpose of the College’s quality assurance program regarding the assessment of a registrant’s practice in accordance with the RHPA Procedural Code and the Regulations. Another example is that personal information about a patient may be collected and used without the patient’s consent for the purpose of an investigation of a registrant in accordance with the RHPA Procedural Code and the Regulations.
Principle 4: Limiting Collection
The College collects only the personal information that is required for the purposes identified in Principle 2 of this Privacy Code. The College collects personal information using procedures that are fair and lawful.
Personal information regarding patients must be collected as part of the College’s regulatory function. This information is typically obtained by the College as part of an investigation, inquiry or quality assurance program. The focus of these inquiries is the conduct, competence or capacity of the registrant and the protection of the public. The College only collects personal information regarding patients to satisfy this regulatory purpose and any purposes that flow from it, such as holding hearings.
Principle 5: Limiting Use, Disclosure or Retention
The College uses personal information only for the purposes identified in Principle 2 and in accordance with the provisions of the Legislation. Personal information is only disclosed for the purposes identified in Principle 2 of this Privacy Code. Quality Assurance personal information about a registrant and his/her clients is removed if used by the Quality Assurance Committee or a panel of the committee. Access to most personal Quality Assurance information about a registrant is limited to the Quality Assurance program staff, committee and the Registrar. Exceptions exist, however, where there are concerns that the registrant is incompetent, incapacitated or may have committee an act of professional misconduct or where the registrant fails to cooperate with the Quality Assurance Committee or any assessor appointed by that committee.
The RHPA Procedural Code and College by-laws clearly designate the information regarding registrants that is publicly available. They can be accessed from the College website at or by contacting the College at 416-598-1725 or 1-800-668-4990.
Under certain circumstances, the College has the legal authority to disclose personal information including health information without consent. For example, information about complaints and reports, including information collected during an investigation, may be disclosed to other health professions regulatory colleges in Ontario and in other jurisdictions. In all cases when disclosure of this type is made, the College shall ensure that disclosure complies any applicable legislation.
Under the RHPA Procedural Code, discipline hearings conducted by the Discipline Committee are generally open to the public. Evidence at a discipline hearing may include personal information regarding the registrant and the registrant’s patients, employers and colleagues related to allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence. Under the RHPA Procedural Code and the College bylaws, the College is required to publish certain information pertaining to discipline and Inquiries, Complaints and Reports outcomes. Under the RHPA Procedural Code, the panel of the Discipline Committee has the discretion to close a hearing under certain prescribed circumstances and/or restrict the publication of personal information where appropriate. Under the RHPA Procedural Code, reviews of decisions of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee and Registration Committee by the Board are open to the public. Similarly, the Board has the discretion to restrict the disclosure of personal information in its review process. The primary objective of these regulatory processes is always the protection of the public.
The College has a record retention policy in place and conducts regular audits to ensure that personal information that is no longer required to be kept is destroyed, erased or made anonymous. The College’s Record Retention Policy can be obtained by contacting the College.
Principle 6: Accuracy
It is in the best interest of the public that the College collects, uses and discloses only accurate personal information in regulating the profession. The College therefore uses its best efforts to ensure that the information it collects, uses and discloses is accurate. However, in order to be accountable for its collection, use and disclosure of information, the College may make corrections to information without obliterating the original entry.
Registrants are required to provide the College with current name, contact and employment information and to advise the College of changes within thirty (30) days of any change. This information is verified annually when registrants renew their registration with the College.
Principle 7: Safeguards
The College ensures that personal information it holds is secure.
The College ensures that personal information is stored in electronic and physical files that are secure. Security measures are in place to safeguard this information which include restricting access to personal information to authorized personnel, ensuring that physical files are under lock and key and ensuring that electronic files are password protected. The College reviews its security measures at minimum, every two years to ensure that all personal information is secure.
Employees of the College receive an orientation and ongoing training regarding the information safeguards required for personal information and their importance.
The College ensures that personal information that is no longer required to be retained is disposed of in a confidential and secure fashion (i.e. shredding and deletion of electronic records).
Principle 8: Openness
The College’s confidentiality policies for employees, council and committees and the College Record Retention Policy are available to the public and its registrants and can be requested by phone at 416-598-1725 or 1-800-668-4990 or by e-mail at:
Inquiries concerning the College’s policies and practices for collecting, using and disclosing personal information may be directed to the Registrar & ED at 416-598-1725 or 1-800-668-4990.
Principle 9: Individual Access
Where the College holds personal information about an individual, upon written request, the College shall allow access to the information to that individual, unless providing access could reasonably be expected to interfere with the administration or enforcement of the Legislation or it is impracticable or impossible for the College to retrieve the information.
Examples of situations where access may be denied include:
- Information contains references to another individual(s) that cannot be severed;
- Disclosure may result in significant risk of harm to the requester or a third party;
- Information was collected or created in the course of an inspection, investigation, inquiry, assessment or similar procedure;
- Disclosure may defeat the purposes for which the information was collected;
- Information cannot be disclosed for legal, security or commercial proprietary reasons;
- Information is subject to solicitor-client or other privilege;
- Information was generated in the course of a dispute or resolution process;
- The request is frivolous, vexatious, made in bad faith or otherwise an abuse of process;
- In cases where the personal information forms part of a record created by another organization, the College will refer the individual to the organization that created the record (unless it is inappropriate to do so) so that the individual may obtain access to the personal information from the organization rather than the College.
While the College’s response will typically be provided at no cost or minimal cost to the individual, depending on the nature of the request and the amount of information involved, the College reserves the right to impose a cost recovery fee. In these circumstances, the College will inform the individual of the approximate cost to provide the response and proceed upon payment by the individual of the cost.
The College will make every effort to respond to the request within thirty days and to assist the individual in understanding the information.
Individuals should send their written request for access, with contact information and sufficient information about themselves to identify them to CDO.
In the event the College refuses to provide access to all of the personal information it holds, then the College will provide reasons for denying access.
The individual may then choose to file a complaint with the Registrar.
Challenging accuracy and completeness of personal information
An individual has the right to request a correction of what in his or her view, is erroneous information. Where the information forms part of a record created by another organization, then the College will refer the individual to the organization that created the record (unless it is inappropriate to do so) so that the individual may challenge the accuracy or completeness of the information.
Where an individual is able to successfully demonstrate that personal information of a factual nature (not, for example, the expression of an opinion) is inaccurate or incomplete, the College will amend the information (i.e., correct, or add information). In addition, where appropriate, the College will notify any third parties to whom the College has disclosed the erroneous information.
Where there is a dispute between the individual and the College as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, then the College will document the details of the disagreement, and, where appropriate, will advise any third party who received the contested information from the College, of the unresolved disagreement.
Principle 10: Challenging Compliance
Complaints or questions regarding the College’s compliance with this Privacy Code should be directed to the Registrar who can be reached at College of Dietitians of Ontario 5775 Yonge Street, Suite 1810, Toronto, Ontario, M2M 4J1, 416-598-1725, 1800-668-4990.
If the Registrar cannot satisfactorily resolve a complaint, the College has a formal privacy complaints procedure which includes:
- Acknowledging the complaint;
- Review of the complaint by the College’s Privacy Committee;
- Providing a written decision and reasons to the complainant; and
- Taking appropriate measures where the complaint is found to be justified.
Please note that there is a different process for handling complaints about the conduct or actions of a registrant of the College. Please contact the Registrar if you wish to file a complaint about the conduct or actions of a registrant of the College.
Schedule 1
Section 36 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, as amended
- 36 (1) Every person employed, retained or appointed for the purposes of the administration of this Act, a health profession Act or the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act and every registrant of a Council or committee of a College shall keep confidential all information that comes to his or her knowledge in the course of his or her duties and shall not communicate any information to any other person except,
- (a) to the extent that the information is available to the public under this Act, a health profession Act or the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act;
- (b) in connection with the administration of this Act, a health profession Act or the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, including, without limiting the generality of this, in connection with anything relating to the registration of registrants, complaints about registrants, allegations of registrants’ incapacity, incompetence or acts of professional misconduct or the governing of the profession;
- (c) to a body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario;
- (d) as may be required for the administration of the Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act, the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act, the Health Insurance Act, the Independent Health Facilities Act, the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act, the Ontario Drug Benefit Act, the Coroners Act, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada) and the Food and Drugs Act (Canada);
- (e) to a police officer to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result;
- (f) to the counsel of the person who is required to keep the information confidential under this section;
- (g) to confirm whether the College is investigating a registrant, if there is a compelling public interest in the disclosure of that information;
- (h) where disclosure of the information is required by an Act of the Legislature or an Act of Parliament;
- (i) if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the disclosure is necessary for the purpose of eliminating or reducing a significant risk of serious bodily harm to a person or group of persons; or
- (j) with the written consent of the person to whom the information relates. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 7 (1).
Reports required under Code
(1.1) Clauses (1) (c) and (d) do not apply with respect to reports required under section 85.1 or 85.2 of the Code. 1993, c. 37, s. 1. 1998, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 7 (2)
(1.2) In clause (1) (e), “law enforcement proceeding” means a proceeding in a court or tribunal that could result in a penalty or sanction being imposed. 1998, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 7 (2); 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 7 (2).
(1.3) No person or registrant described in subsection (1) shall disclose, under clause (1) (e), any information with respect to a person other than a registrant. 1998, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 7 (2); 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 7 (3).
No requirement
(1.4) Nothing in clause (1) (e) shall require a person described in subsection (1) to disclose information to a police officer unless the information is required to be produced under a warrant. 1998, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 7 (2); 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 7 (4).
Confirmation of investigation
(1.5) Information disclosed under clause (l) (g) shall be limited to the fact that an investigation is or is not underway and shall not include any other information. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 7 (5).
Not compellable
(2) No person or registrant described in subsection (1) shall be compelled to give testimony in a civil proceeding with regard to matters that come to his or her knowledge in the course of his or her duties. 1991, c. 18, s. 36 (2).
Evidence in civil proceedings
(3) No record of a proceeding under this Act, a health profession Act or the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, no report, document or thing prepared for or statement given at such a proceeding and no order or decision made in such a proceeding is admissible in a civil proceeding other than a proceeding under this Act, a health profession Act or the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act or a proceeding relating to an order under section 11.1 or 11.2 of the Ontario Drug Benefit Act. 1991, c. 18, s. 36 (3); 1996, c. 1, Sched. G, s. 27 (2).
Collection of personal information by College
36.1 (1) At the request of the Minister, a College shall collect information directly from registrants of the College as is reasonably necessary for the purpose of Ministry health human resources planning. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
Unique identifiers
(2) A unique identifier shall be assigned by the Minister or a person designated by the Minister for each registrant of a College from whom information is collected under subsection (1). 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (7).
Form and manner
(2.1) The unique identifier shall be in the form and manner specified by the Minister. 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (7).
Registrants to provide information.
(3) A registrant of a College who receives a request for information for the purpose of subsection (1) shall provide the information to the College within the time period and in the form and manner specified by the College. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
Disclosure to Minister
(4) A College shall disclose the information collected under subsection (1) to the Minister within the time period and in the form and manner specified by the Minister. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
Use by Minister
(5) The Minister may use and disclose the information only for the purpose set out under subsection (1), and shall not use or collect personal information if other information will serve the purpose, and shall not use or collect more personal information than is necessary for the purpose. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
(6) The Minister may publish reports and other documents using information provided to him or her by a College under this section for the purpose set out in subsection (1), and for that purpose only, but the Minister shall not include any personal information about a registrant of a College in such reports or documents. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
Notice required by s. 39 (2) of FIPPA
(7) If the Minister requires a College to collect personal information from its registrants under subsection (1), the notice required by subsection 39 (2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act is given by,
(a) a public notice posted on the Ministry’s website; or
(b) any other public method that may be prescribed. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
(8) If the Minister publishes a notice referred to under subsection (7), the Minister shall advise the College of the notice and the College shall also publish a notice about the collection on the College’s website within 20 days of receiving the advice from the Minister. 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
(9) In this section,
- “health human resources planning” means ensuring the sufficiency and appropriate distribution of health providers; (“planification des ressources humaines en santé”)
- “information” includes personal information; (“renseignements”)
- “Ministry” means the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. (“ministère”) 2007, c. 10, Sched. M, s. 8.
Schedule 2
Confidentiality Policies for Employees, Council and Committees
Council Governance Policy G3:
5 *f) Council/Committee members must avoid any breach of confidentiality as set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act c 18, Section 36 (1)
Personnel Policy: Confidentiality (January 26, 1995, (R) Aug. 11, 1997, (R) June 1, 1999)
All employees, contracted consultants and volunteers of the College of Dietitians of Ontario will maintain confidentiality with respect to all information obtained at the College as outlined in Section 36 of the Regulated Health Professions Act(RHPA) , 1991. A breach of confidentiality will result in disciplinary sanctions which may include dismissal and/or legal actions.
- Every employee, contracted consultant and volunteer shall sign an agreement to preserve secrecy of all information (relating to College business, members of other staff members) that comes to his/her knowledge in the course of his/her duties at the College. This may be an independent agreement or a confidentiality clause within an employment/service contract.
- Every employee, contracted consultant and volunteers shall refrain from divulging any College information (in any medium) to individuals external to the College or to any College personnel (Council, Non-Council, staff or volunteer) who should not have any knowledge of the information. This condition holds during as well as subsequent to the person’s association with the College. Exceptions are made to the release of information which has been authorized by College policies which are consistent with Section 36 of the RHPA, 1991.
- Employees, contracted consultants or volunteers shall not make any statement to individuals external to the College without the prior approval of the Registrar.
- Upon termination of employment, contract or volunteer work with the College, the individual shall return immediately, all property of the College in his/her possession or control including, but not limited to, all records, documents and materials.
- Any breach of the above policy and procedures will result in disciplinary sanctions which may include dismissal as well as legal sanctions.
- The employees’, contracted consultants’, or volunteers’ obligations to maintain confidentiality to all information obtained at the College as outlined above, shall continue after he or she leaves the employment or service of the College.