Returning to Practice – Currency Assessment
If it has been 10 or more years since you completed your academic and/or practical training or last practiced dietetics, you must complete the College’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process to demonstrate your knowledge and competence to practice dietetics safely, ethically, and competently.
The PLAR process will directly assess what you currently know and can do, in comparison to the Canadian standards for dietetic practice. It is made up of several steps:

Step 1: Required Documents
The following is a list of the documents that are required with your application form. Some documents, like transcripts, must be sent directly to the College by a third party. Make sure you plan for these documents to prevent any delays at the end of the application process.
Important Note:
Registration Program staff is available to answer questions about the application process and required documents, however registration decisions are made by the Registrar and/or the Registration Committee. Registration Program staff cannot tell you whether or not you meet the requirements or predict whether you will be eligible for registration with the College.
Application Form
Please note the following important information about submitting your application:
- The application form must be sent by mail. Faxed or emailed applications are not accepted;
- The application form must include your original signature. No electronic signatures or photocopied forms will be accepted;
- Review your form to make sure you have completed and signed all sections of the form. If any section of your application form is incomplete, you will be required to submit a new form.
- All applications are processed in the order in which they are received.
- If you choose to deliver your application to the College in person, reception staff will date-stamp your application and it will be placed in the queue with all other applications.
- Staff will not open and review hand-delivered applications
Complete and sign this Application Form and send it to the College by mail.
Official Transcripts
You must arrange for official transcripts to be sent directly to the College from each post-secondary institution that you have completed.
This includes transcripts related to:
- Your accredited dietetics degree; and
- Any other degrees you have completed.
Important information about transcripts
If the transcript related to a degree does not state that the degree was conferred or awarded, you must arrange for the university to provide an official letter confirming that all degree requirements have been met.
All transcripts and letters must be sent directly from the university to the College at:
Proof of Accredited Practical Training
You must arrange for an official letter to be sent directly to the College confirming that you have successfully completed an accredited internship or practicum program in Canada.
Name Change Information
If your official transcripts are under a different name than the one you are currently using, you must enclose proof of your change in name with this application (e.g. document showing your old name (i.e. marriage certificate) and a government issued ID showing your current name (i.e. driver’s license, passport).
Proof of Authorization to Work in Canada
Authorization to work in Canada is one of the requirements for registration with the College. You must provide proof of authorization to work in Canada which permits you to practise dietetics in Canada.
You are a Canadian Citizen
Provide proof by submitting a copy of one of the following documents:
- Canadian Birth Certificate
- Canadian Passport
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate or Card
You are a Permanent Resident of Canada
Provide proof by submitting a copy of your Permanent Resident Card.
You have a valid work or study permit
Your work or study permit authorizes you to practise dietetics in Canada. Provide proof by submitting a copy of your Work Permit.
You don’t have a work permit yet?
You can request a formal letter from the College to confirm that you have met all the other registration requirements, but will not be eligible for registration until you provide formal proof of authorization to work in Canada.
Don’t have a work permit yet?
Authorization to work in Canada is one of the requirements for registration with the College. If you have met all of the other registration requirements, the College may consider issuing a certificate of registration which would permit you to use the title of dietitian, but which would restrict you from working until you provide proof of your authorization to work in Canada. In order to consider this option, you must submit proof that you have applied for a work permit, study permit, or visa.
Step 2: Knowledge and Competency Assessment Tool (KCAT)
If you are deemed eligible for the PLAR process, the next step is the KCAT – a computer-based multiple choice exam designed to assess your knowledge as compared to the foundational knowledge and academic performance indicators in the national competencies. Click here to view the KCAT preparation guide.
The KCAT is written once a year. The next opportunity to write the KCAT will be September 25, 2024, via an online, remote-proctored format.
Please start your application process early to ensure you meet the College’s deadline dates.
Special Accomodations
If you have a disability, temporary disability, special condition, religious, or other reason that warrants a special accommodation to write the KCAT, you must request this in writing by the examination application deadline. The request must be from a regulated health professional, who is specialized in assessing individuals with the type of disability or special condition.
A request for accommodation related to breastfeeding or religious reasons does not require documentation from a regulated health professional or religious leader, respectfully, but a written request outlining the accommodation is required.
Please refer to Policy 6-20 Candidates Requiring Accommodations for the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Examinations for the complete procedure and process on requesting an accommodation.
Exam Format
- Candidates will take the Septemer 2024 KCAT from their personal computer via a remote-proctored process.
- The KCAT is a computer-based, multiple-choice exam.
- It is written over five hours and twenty minutes, divided into 2 two-hour parts (Part 1: 2 hours 45 minutes; Part 2: 2 hours 35 minutes) with a one-hour lunch break between Part 1 and Part 2.
Exam Outcome
Your results on the KCAT will determine your next steps:
KCAT Level I Result
This means that you demonstrated sufficient knowledge and competence to move to the next step in the process, the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA).
KCAT Level II Result
This means that you have demonstrated partial knowledge and competence. Your score reflects that there are some gaps in your knowledge and competence compared to the Canadian national standards. You are not eligible to complete the PBA. You may rewrite the KCAT a maximum of three times as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Policy 6-10 (Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)). You may choose (but you are not required) to complete additional studies to increase your knowledge and competence before rewriting the KCAT.
KCAT Level III Result
This means that you did not demonstrate sufficient knowledge and competence. You are not eligible to complete the PBA. You may rewrite the KCAT a maximum of three times as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Policy 6-10 (Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)). You may wish to consider that your results identified significant gaps which may best be addressed by completing a Canadian accredited degree and accredited practical training program.
Technology Requirements
Candidates seeking to write the KCAT must meet these technological requirements:
- Access to a computer (desktop or laptop). This exam cannot be taken on a tablet or mobile device. Dual monitor configurations are not permitted.
- Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 is required. However, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher is recommended.
- External or built-in webcam. You must be able to move your webcam in order to show your surroundings.
- Strong and reliable high speed internet connection. At least 1 Mbps upload and 10 Mbps download (please click here to conduct a speed test to confirm your connection speed).
- Hard wired Ethernet connection is strongly recommended to ensure the best exam experience and to reduce the risk of interruption to your internet connection (click here for more information on connecting to internet via Ethernet).
- Windows 8.1(or above) or Mac OSX 10.13 (or above) operating system.
- The latest version of Google Chrome.
- The latest version of Zoom Client for Meetings.
- Comfort with taking a virtual assessment.
- A quiet, private space with a table and chair to ensure confidentiality of exam.
- Area must be clear of writing utensils, electronics, notes, etc. No additional people can be in the room.
For any questions, please email
Step 3: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)
If the College determines that you have demonstrated appropriate foundational knowledge and competence related to the academic performance indicators of the national standards, you will move on to the PBA, which is a written and oral assessment designed to assess the competence of applicants compared to the practicum-related performance indicators in the national competencies. Click here to view the PBA preparation guide.
Your results on the PBA determine your next steps:
- If you pass the PBA, you will be required to complete the the Dietitians of Canada Critical Care Nutrition course and the College’s Jurisprudence Knowledge and Assessment Tool (JKAT).
- If you fail the PBA, you may re-take the PBA. The PBA may be challenged a maximum of three times and, as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements. You may choose to complete additional studies (formal or informal) to increase your knowledge and competence before attempting the PBA again.
Step 4: Dietitians of Canada Critical Care Course
The Dietitians of Canada Critical Care Nutrition Course provides an intensive, evidence-based, self-paced learning program with the latest information on implementing nutrition care. The course is available on demand. The course takes approximately 15 – 20 hours to complete.
Step 5: Jurisprudence Knowledge and Assessment Tool (JKAT)
The JKAT is an online tool designed to improve your knowledge and application of laws, standards, guidelines and ethics relevant to the profession of dietetics in Ontario. The tool uses scenarios and multiple-choice questions to ensure that you can apply your jurisprudence knowledge to practical situations. References are provided online within the exam.
Step 6: Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE)
Once you have successfully completed the Critical Care Nutrition course and the JKAT, you must submit an application for registration with the College of Dietitians of Ontario. The College will review your application to confirm that you have met all of the other registration requirements in order to confirm your eligibility to write the CDRE. When you are deemed eligible to write the CDRE, you will also be eligible for a Temporary Certificate of Registration, which will enable you to practice as a dietitian in Ontario while you await the results of the CDRE.
The Partnership for Dietetics Education and Practice (PDEP) has developed the national competency standards for dietetics education and is the accrediting body approved by the College for Canadian dietetics education programs.
The assessments in the PLAR process were designed to assess your knowledge and skills against the Integrated Competencies for Dietetics Education and Practice (ICDEP) and the accreditation standards.
The College has developed a website to explain the minimum standards required for dietetic practice in Canada and to help you assess your current knowledge and skills against those standards.