Registration Policies
General Policies
1-10 Application Files to Committee
Policy Name: 1-10 Application Files to Committee
Established: January 23, 1998
Revised: August 23, 2000, January 31, 2003, April 20, 2007, April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The College is committed to ensuring that application files referred to the Registration Committee are reviewed in a timely manner, while still ensuring that panel members have sufficient time to complete a thorough review and assessment.
- Application files will be uploaded to the College’s secure file-sharing platform) 10-14 days prior to the date of the Registration Committee meeting to ensure that panel members will have at least two weekends in which to review the application files.
- Files will be referred to the committee in the order in which they are deemed complete and ready for review.
- The College will make every reasonable effort to ensure that a file is referred to the next Registration Committee meeting if it has been deemed complete on or before the date that the agenda is finalized, and files are uploaded to the secure file-sharing platform.
- In exceptional situations (e.g., the unexpected absence of committee members, urgent policy items that must be reviewed, or an unusually large number of applications), some files may need to be deferred to a later meeting.
- In a situation where the committee must defer the review of one or more application files, the Chair of the Registration Committee will either organize an ad hoc meeting for a panel to review the additional files, or defer the files for review at the next Registration Committee meeting.
- In determining whether to set a separate panel review meeting, the Chair of the Registration Committee will consider the following:
- The consequence of the delay for the applicant (e.g., will it mean delay in writing the next exam).
- The number of files being deferred,
- Availability of committee members, and/or
- The committee budget.
1-20 Time Limitation on Open Application Files Before Committee
Policy Name: 1-20 Time Limitation on Open Application Files Before Committee
Established: January 23, 1998
Reviewed: April 24, 1999
Revised: September 16, 2000, March 17, 2001, July 6, 2002, July 2009, April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
Once an application has been assessed by a panel of the Registration Committee and additional information is required, a time limit will be established for the receipt of the information from the applicant.
- Registration staff will notify the applicant, in writing, of the information requested and the due date, and will monitor the file.
- Registration staff will consider a written request by the applicant to extend the deadline for submitting the required additional information.
- If the applicant informs the College that they will not/cannot provide the additional information and requests that the assessment proceeds, the panel of the Registration Committee will complete the assessment of the file in the absence of the requested information. *
- If the applicant fails to respond to the College’s request for additional information, the file will be closed according to the established administrative file closure time-lines and written notice of the file closure will be sent to the applicant.
- Once the file is closed, if the applicant wishes to continue the application process later, they must submit a new application to the College.
1-30 Communication with Applicants
Policy Name: 1-30 Communication with Applicants
Established: January 23, 1998
Revised: March 10, 2000, April 17, 2004, April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The Registration Committee does not ordinarily meet or correspond directly with an applicant and/or their representative.
- All communications with an applicant and/or their representative will ordinarily be conducted through College staff.
- If an applicant contacts a Registration Committee member directly, they should be referred to College staff.
- College staff will inform the entire Registration Committee that an applicant has contacted a committee member directly.
- College staff will follow-up with the applicant.
1-50 Successful Completion of Academic and Practical Training Requirements
Policy Name: 1-50 Successful Completion of Academic and Practical Training Requirements
Established: January 23, 1998
Revised: April 17, 2004, April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
In assessing whether an applicant meets the registration requirements for academic and practical training, the College considers “successful completion” to mean that the applicant has successfully completed the academic and/or practicum requirements of a program, even if they have not yet been awarded the degree or certificate of completion at the time of their application to the College.
- Academic Programs and Combined Academic/Practicum Programs (e.g., Coordinated or Stage).
- Applicants will be required to submit an official transcript directly from the university which indicates that the degree has been conferred or that the student is eligible for convocation.
- If the applicant’s official transcript does not make it clear that all requirements of the program have been successfully completed, a letter of verification of completion of the program must be sent directly to the College by the university, stating that the applicant has completed the requirements of the program and the expected date of convocation.
- Practicum Programs
- A letter of verification of completion of the program must be sent directly to the College from the practicum program for non-academically affiliated programs.
- Where a practicum program is affiliated with an academic institution, applicants must submit an official transcript from the university which verifies program enrollment.
- If the applicant’s official transcript for the practicum program does not make it clear that all requirements of the program have been successfully completed, a letter of verification of completion of the program must be sent directly to the College, stating that the applicant has completed the requirements of the program and the expected date of convocation.
1-80 Second Application While a Prior Decision is Under Appeal
Policy Name: 1-80 Second Application While a Prior Decision is Under Appeal
Established: January 20, 2000
Revised: March 17, 2001, July 6, 2002; April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
If the College identifies a situation where an applicant has both an active application with the College while they are appealing a previous decision from a panel of the Registration Committee, the College will proceed with the current application and notify the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB).
- Once a decision is rendered to an applicant, the panel of the Registration Committee is finished with that decision.
- Registration staff will notify the HPARB case manager if the College receives notice that a current applicant has submitted an appeal to HPARB, or if the College receives an application from someone who is known to have already submitted an appeal to HPARB.
- The panel of the Registration Committee will proceed with the assessment of the new application and render a new decision.
- The College will notify the applicant of their right to appeal the new decision.
1-90 Panel Composition
Policy Name: 1-90 Panel Composition
Established: May 9, 2008
Revised: June, 2008, June 2009, April 30, 2013, March 17, 2017, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The Chair of the Registration Committee will ensure an appropriate balance of public board directors and registrants of the profession when assigning panels for registration decisions.
Section 17(2) of Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 specifies that each panel must have a minimum of three members, including at least one public board director.
- Registration staff will draft a panel assignment template in consultation with the Chair of the Registration Committee.
- The Chair of the Registration Committee must approve the final panel assignments.
- Registration staff and the Chair of the Registration Committee will ensure that each panel includes at least one public board director and at least one registrant of the profession.
- Registration staff and the Chair of the Registration Committee will ensure that the third member of the panel will be a registrant of the profession for any application that will involve reviewing or assessing practicum submissions against entry-to-practice or currency standards.
- For all other applications, the third member of the panel may be either a public board director or a registrant of the profession.
Assessment of Requirements
2-10 Assessing Academic & Practical Training Requirements
Policy Name: 2-10 Assessing Academic & Practical Training Requirements
Revised: March 23, 2012, May 4, 2012, March 2014, November 2014, June 2016, June 1, 2018, March 16, 2020, October 4, 2021, May 29, 2023
Policy Statement
The College’s Registration Requirements for academic and practical training are set out in subsection 6(1) of the General Regulation, PART I – Registration under the Dietetics Act, 1991. Where there is doubt that the non-exemptible requirements are met, a panel of the Registration Committee will assess the applicant’s academic and practical training qualifications for substantial equivalence to the Canadian national accreditation standards as articulated in the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP). Substantial differences in academic and practical training are those that would impede safe and effective dietetic practise in Ontario.
To assess the equivalency of the applicant’s academic and practical training qualifications, the panel will ordinarily consider the following:
1. Academic Equivalence
(a) Level of Study
- The applicant’s academic study must, at minimum, be equivalent to a bachelor’s level in Canada. An applicant will be refused if their education is not deemed to be equivalent in level to at least a Canadian bachelor’s degree.
For education completed within Canada, the panel will consider completed undergraduate and graduate level courses, which were taken at a university or college with degree-granting authority within Canada. The courses must have been completed within a degree-granting program (e.g., bachelor, master, or PhD level). Courses at the diploma, certificate, or continuing education program level may not be included. Courses completed in Quebec at a CEGEP or pre-university College will be considered. This includes transfer credits, and credits which were awarded through a prior learning assessment and recognition process.
(b) Education Completed Outside Canada
- Unless exempted under this policy, applicants whose education was completed outside of Canada must submit a Course-By-Course evaluation from World Education Services (WES) Canada, which will provide information about the equivalence of the study level (e.g., equivalent to high school, college, university undergraduate, or graduate level study).
Applicants who completed education in the United States (US) are not required to submit a WES assessment if the degree was from a university with Regional Accreditation. Education from US universities without Regional Accreditation must be assessed by WES Canada.
If an applicant submits an assessment from WES US, College staff will contact WES Canada to confirm whether the assessment aligns with WES Canada’s standards. If WES Canada identifies that the WES US assessment does not reflect WES Canada’s standards, the applicant will be required to submit an assessment from WES Canada.
If the applicant has been granted admission to a recognized Canadian or US graduate program for which a bachelor’s degree is among the admission requirements, the level of the degree will be considered equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in Canada, and the applicant will not be required to have the level of their degree assessed by WES Canada.
- Unless exempted under this policy, applicants whose education was completed outside of Canada must submit a Course-By-Course evaluation from World Education Services (WES) Canada, which will provide information about the equivalence of the study level (e.g., equivalent to high school, college, university undergraduate, or graduate level study).
(c) Academic Content
- The panel will consider the content of all courses confirmed to be at a minimum bachelor’s level against the Canadian national academic entry-to-practice standards as articulated in the academic Performance Indicators assessment requirements of the ICDEP. The panel will use its best judgement in determining whether the required academic content has been addressed.
2. Review of Practical Training Equivalence
(a) A program deemed equivalent to an accredited practical training program in Canada will:
- include a formal/structured program with an evaluation component,
- be supervised by qualified individuals,
- include competency-based outcomes comparable to those in the Canadian national practicum entry-to-practice standards as outlined in the practicum Performance Indicator assessment requirements of the ICDEP,
- cover the core areas of Canadian dietetic practice (Nutrition Care, Population Health Promotion, Management and Leadership, and Food Provision), and
- be a minimum of at least 1250 hours in length.
(b) The applicant will ordinarily be refused and directed to complete additional practical training, as outlined in subparagraph 6(1)1.ii. of the General Regulation, PART I – Registration, in order to be admitted in a subsequent application if:
- the applicant has completed no practical training,
- there is no evidence of a formal structured program (e.g., formal evaluation, based on competencies or learning in outcomes, evaluated by qualified individuals),
- the competencies or learning outcomes of the practical training are not comparable to the Canadian national practicum entry-to-practice standards as outlined in the ICDEP, and/or
- the practical training was less than 1250 hours in length.
3. Former Registrants of the College
- If an applicant was a former registrant of the College and, at the time of their original application to the College, their academic and/or practicum programs were assessed to be equivalent to an accredited program, the applicant will be deemed to meet the current academic and practical training requirements, even if the accreditation standards and entry-to-practice standards have changed since the time of the applicant’s original application to the College. If an applicant graduated more than three years ago, or hasn’t practised dietetics for a minimum of 500 hours over the preceding three years while being licensed with a dietetic regulatory body prior to the date of their application to the College, they will be subject to the requirements of Policy 3-30: Assessing Currency for Applicants.
4. Human Rights Issues
- Where the application of this policy would ha#assessing-currency-for-applicantsve a disproportionate effect on an applicant, such that accommodation may be required under the Human Rights Code, the Registrar will bring the issue, usually with legal advice, to the panel for consideration.
5. Relevant Information
- The panel will consider all relevant, objective evidence when assessing an applicant’s academic and/or practical training. This may include the outcome of the College’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, comprising the Knowledge and Competence Assessment Tool (KCAT) and/or the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) results, if available.
2-11 Approving Supervisory Dietitians
Policy Name: 2-11 Approving Supervisory Dietitians
Established: October 24, 2003
Revised: March 27, 2004; November 13, 2009; June 11, 2014; July 18, 2014; December 8, 2017; February 3, 2020, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The College reserves the right to approve the dietitians who:
- supervise and evaluate applicants completing practical training experiences for submission to the College; and
- supervise temporary registrants who were unsuccessful on the registration examination on their first attempt.
Dietitian supervisors are approved based on information that confirms competence and good standing with the College. Dietitians may be requested to supervise:
- placements related to the requirements set out in section 6(1)1, 6(1)2, or 6(2) of the registration regulation (refers to academic and practical training),
- supervision of temporary registrants as set out in section 10.1.i. of the Registration Regulation (refers to supervision requirements for temporary registrants who are unsuccessful on the registration examinations on their first attempt and wish to continue practicing dietetics), or
- applicants who require upgrading after an unsuccessful attempt of the registration examinations for a second time.
This policy does not apply to the supervision of students within accredited dietetic practical training programs, which may be subject to the programs’ individual requirements.
Dietitians should refer to the College’s Guidelines for Supervising Learners, as well as any policies, guides, or other reference materials for information about the specific documentation and performance expectations for each of the various supervision roles.
- The dietitian who provides the direct supervision and evaluation of the applicant/temporary registrant during a placement is the supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for observing the applicant/temporary registrant and for providing honest objective feedback about the applicant/temporary registrant’s performance against the relevant standards and/or learning objectives.
- The applicant/temporary registrant will submit the names and College registration numbers of each supervisor.
- The following are the criteria that the College will use to determine whether to approve the supervisor:
a. At the time the supervision occurred, the supervisor MUST:
- be a general registrant with the College or another Canadian dietetic regulatory body,
- have recent experience (within three (3) years prior to the start of the supervised placement) in the dietetic practice area covered in the placement, or provide evidence of continuing education within that area of practice satisfactory to the College,
- be familiar with the College’s Jurisprudence and Professional Practice Resources, relevant legislation, and organizational policies relevant to the particular practice setting, and
b. At the time the supervision occurs, the supervisor MUST NOT currently be the subject of a referral to:
- the Quality Assurance (QA) Committee for non-compliance with the College’s QA program requirements,
- the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC), and/or
- the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committees.
c. At the time the supervision occurs, the supervisor also MUST NOT:
- have been issued an oral or written reminder/caution/warning from any College Committee within one (1) year preceding commencement of supervision,
- be currently completing a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP),
- have been the subject of a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence, or incapacity of either the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committee within five (5) years preceding commencement of supervision,
- have any terms, conditions, or limitations (TCLs) on their certificate of registration, except those applicable to all certificates of that class of registration,
- have signed a voluntary undertaking preventing them from practising dietetics, and/or
- be in a conflict of interest (COI), as verified by the College through a signed COI declaration form.
d. If the supervisor becomes the subject of a referral to any College committee as outlined in 3(b) above, during the period of supervision, the registrant will be required to cease supervision.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant/temporary registrant to ensure that their supervisor(s) review this policy and meet all eligibility criteria.
- Dietitians must be candid with prospective supervisees about whether they meet the criteria in this policy and must not agree to supervise an individual if they do not meet the criteria.
2-12 Criteria for Practicum Advisory Dietitians
Policy Name: 2-12 Criteria for Practicum Advisory Dietitians
Established: July 18, 2014
Revised: March 16, 2020, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The Registration Committee has established the criteria for Practicum Advisory Dietitians, required for applicants who complete an Independent Practicum. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their Practicum Advisory Dietitian meets all the eligibility criteria in this policy. Dietitians must be candid with applicants wishing to complete an Independent Practicum and must not agree to be a Practicum Advisory Dietitian if they do not meet the criteria.
1. The Practicum Advisory Dietitian is responsible for:
- providing guidance and support in the planning and organization of placements and other learning opportunities,
- providing ongoing feedback to the applicant regarding their progress, and
- identifying changes in the Independent Practicum plan that may be necessary upon review of the applicant’s ongoing performance.
2. The applicant will include the following as part of their Independent Practicum submission:
- the name and College registration number of their Practicum Advisory Dietitian,
- a completed Conflict of Interest Declaration Form from their Practicum Advisory Dietitian, and
- a current résumé or curriculum vitae from their Practicum Advisory Dietitian.
3. The following are the criteria that the Registration Committee will use to determine whether to approve the Practicum Advisory Dietitian:
a. At the time the Independent Practicum occurs, the Practicum Advisory Dietitian MUST:
be a general registrant with the College or another Canadian dietetic regulatory body,
have been practising dietetics for at least five (5) years,
have had previous experience supervising practicum students,
have knowledge of the current competencies for entry-level dietetic practice in Canada, and
be familiar with the College’s Jurisprudence and Professional Practice Resources, relevant legislation, and organizational policies relevant to dietetic practice settings.
b. At the time the Independent Practicum occurs, the Practicum Advisory Dietitian MUST NOT currently be the subject of a referral to:
the Quality Assurance (QA) Committee for non-compliance with the College’s QA program requirements,
the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC), and/or
the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committees.
c. At the time the Independent Practicum occurs, the Practicum Advisory Dietitian also MUST NOT:
have been issued an oral or written reminder/caution/warning from any College Committee within one (1) year preceding commencement of the Practicum Advisory Dietitian role,
be completing a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP),
have been the subject of a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence, or incapacity of either the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committee within five (5) years preceding commencement of the Practicum Advisory Dietitian role,
have any terms, conditions or limitations (TCLs) on their certificate of registration, except those applicable to all certificates of that class of registration,
have signed a voluntary undertaking preventing them from practising dietetics, and/or
be in a conflict of interest.
d. If the Practicum Advisory Dietitian becomes the subject of a referral to any College committee, as outlined in 3(b) above, while the Independent Practicum occurs, the registrant will be required to cease being a Practicum Advisory Dietitian.
4. Once the College is informed of an applicant’s Practicum Advisory Dietitian, Registration staff will:
confirm that the Practicum Advisory Dietitian meets the criteria outlined in this policy, or
inform the applicant that they must find a new Practicum Advisory Dietitian if the advisor does not meet the criteria outlined in this policy, and
the applicant will be responsible for finding a new Practicum Advisory Dietitian.
2-25 Suitability to Practise for Applicants
Policy Name: 2-25 Suitability to Practise for Applicants
Established: April 4, 2022
Policy Statement
In the interest of public protection, the College must ensure that all applicants will practise dietetics in accordance with the law, and in a safe, ethical, and competent manner. As required in section 3.(1).1. of the registration regulation, and Schedule 2, the Health Professions Procedural Code, under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, the College collects information about an applicant’s prior conduct, including, offences, academic history, previous/current professional licensure, and relevant health conditions.
This policy sets out the process that will be followed and the criteria that will be considered by the College when determining an applicant’s suitability to practise: the ability to practise dietetics safely, ethically, and competently.
- All applicants must submit a completed and signed application form, including answers to the declaration questions pertaining to the following:
- Any refusal of registration by a regulatory body (dietetic or otherwise), within or outside of Ontario;
- A prior or current charge or finding of guilt related to criminal offence;
- A prior finding or current proceeding/investigation related to professional misconduct, incompetence, or incapacity by a regulatory body;
- Any allegations of academic misconduct or history of being suspended, expelled, or penalized by a post-secondary institution for misconduct;
- Any physical or mental health conditions, or drug or alcohol dependency that may affect the ability to perform the duties of a dietitian safely; and
- Any other circumstances that may reasonably be of concern.
- If any ‘yes’ responses are received for the declaration questions on an application form, the College will seek further details and supporting documentation from the applicant and/or any other relevant organization.
- Applicants may be required to provide a detailed written account of the matter that was disclosed on their application form. The written submission may include, as applicable:
- The circumstances relating to the matter;
- An explanation of why the matter will not impact the applicant’s ability to practise dietetics in the public interest;
- An explanation demonstrating the applicant understands their accountability as a healthcare professional;
- Any relevant court documents;
- Details and evidence of compliance with any court orders;
- Letters of reference from employers, educators, or colleagues who are aware of the facts of the matter;
- Letters from health care professions who are/were engaged in treating the applicant, providing their professional opinion on the applicant’s ability to practise dietetics; and/or
- Details and evidence of any remediation or rehabilitation undertaken.
- Verification of registration/good standing forms are requested and obtained directly from the respective regulatory bodies for the following applicants:*
- Former registrants of the College;
- Former/current registrants of other dietetic regulatory bodies, within and outside of Canada; and
- Former/current registrants of other non-dietetic professional regulatory bodies, within and outside of Ontario.
- The Registrar (or their delegate) will determine whether the submitted information about an applicant is relevant to their suitability to practise by considering the following factors, as applicable:
- The nature and seriousness of the matter;
- The timing and duration of the matter;
- Whether the matter occurred while practising the dietetic profession; or as a healthcare practitioner in another profession;
- Whether an individual or the public was/is/will be put at risk of physical, mental, or other harm;
- Whether there have been any remedial steps taken by the applicant;
- Whether the applicant demonstrated remorse and accountability;
- Whether there is a pattern of behaviour or an isolated event;
- Whether the matter suggests discrimination, disregard or disrespect for people based on a ground protected by the Human Rights Code (race, colour, ancestry, creed (religion), place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity), sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, disability, receipt of public assistance); and
- Any other relevant information specific to the matter(s).
- The Registrar will review applications on an individual basis and may decide to:
- Register the applicant;
- Register the applicant with terms, conditions, and limitations, consented to by the applicant; or
- Refer the applicant to a panel of the Registration Committee if they have reasonable doubts as to whether the applicant has met the College’s suitability to practise requirements.
- If the application is referred to a panel of the Registration Committee, applicants will have an opportunity to make further submissions for review by the committee within 30 days of being notified of the referral.
- A panel of the Registration Committee will consider each application on an individual basis and will review all the information provided by the applicant as per the criteria outlined in section 6 of this policy to render a decision.
- A panel of the Registration Committee may:
- Direct the Registrar to register the applicant;
- Direct the Registrar to issue a certificate of registration if the applicant successfully completes examinations set or approved by the panel;
- Direct the Registrar to issue a certificate of registration if the applicant successfully completes additional training specified by the panel;
- Direct the Registrar to register the applicant with specified terms, conditions, and limitations; or
- Direct the Registrar to refuse to register the applicant.
- Terms, conditions, and limitations imposed by a panel of the Registration Committee may include, but are not limited to:
- supervision, monitoring, or mentorship;
- assessment and/or counselling;
- additional courses or continuing education (e.g., ethics, boundaries); and/or
- restrictions on practise settings, scope of practice, or client populations.
- Applicants will be issued a decision and reasons letter from the panel of the Registration Committee reviewing their file.
- Decisions of a panel of the Registration Committee may be appealed by the applicant to the Health Professions Review and Appeal Board.
- In addition to suitability to practise, all other non-exemptible registration requirements must be met before a certificate of registration may be issued to an applicant.
- Once an applicant is issued a certificate of registration, they are subject to the College’s policy Transparency: Determining a Registrant’s Suitability to Practise (2016).
*Verification forms are valid for 90 days if received from an international regulatory body or 30 days if received from a professional regulatory body within Canada or the United States.
2-30 Competency Standards and Accrediting Bodies
Policy Name: 2-30 Competency Standards and Accrediting Bodies
Established: January 23, 1998
Reviewed: July 6, 2002
Revised: April 30, 2013, December 14, 2015, January 23, 2023, June 16, 2023, December 15, 2023
Policy Statement
Consistent with the current Registration Regulation, the competency standards recognized as “approved by the Council” (the Board) are the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP).
Council (the Board) recognizes the following accreditation bodies for academic and practical training programs in Canada:
- Education Quality Accreditation Canada (Equal)
- Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP), until March 31, 2024
The Board also recognizes the United States-based Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), until August 31, 2025, where the accreditation award entitles the graduates of the program to sit the licensure examination in the United States. Following this two-year transition period, the College will only recognize ACEND accredited programs, as articulated in Policy 4-20: Applicants from ACEND Accredited Programs.
2-70 Internationally Educated Professionals in Nutrition
Policy Name: 2-70 Internationally Educated Professionals in Nutrition
Established: November 9, 2018
Reviewed: January 18, 2019, October 4, 2023
Revised: March 8, 2019
Policy Statement
The Registration Committee recognizes the Certificate and Practicum Programs for Internationally-Educated Professionals in Nutrition (IEPN) at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) as an appropriate program for addressing specific gaps in an applicant’s education and/or training that have been previously identified by a panel of the Registration Committee.
1. Where an applicant has completed the IEPN Certificate Program and/or the IEPN Practicum in order to address gaps identified by a panel of the Registration Committee in a decision made before February 1, 2016, and those gaps relate to all or some of the courses and practical training listed in below, a panel of the Registration Committee may accept successful completion of the IEPN as sufficient to satisfy that decision without further review of the details of the IEPN.
2. The course requirements from a previous panel decision which can be satisfied by courses from the IEPN Certificate Program are outlined below:
IEPN Certificate Course | Course requirement from previous decision that can be satisfied |
CFNP 200 | 3 Credits in Communication Arts |
CFNN 301 | 3 credits in Advanced Human Nutrition OR 3 credits in Clinical Nutrition/Therapeutic Nutrition |
CFNN 401 | 3 credits in Advanced Human Nutrition OR 3 credits in Clinical Nutrition/Therapeutic Nutrition |
CFNN 202 and CFNN 400 Both courses must be completed | 3 credits in Community Nutrition |
CFNS 200 | 3 credits in Quantity Food Production OR 3 credits in Foodservices (not Organization and Management of Foodservices) |
CFNS 400 | 3 credits in Organization and Management of Foodservices, OR |
CFNR 201 | 3 credits for Supporting Sciences |
3: The Foundational Knowledge Areas (from the 2013 Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice-or ICDEP), which can be satisfied by courses from IEPN are outlined below
IEPN Certificate Course | 2013 ICDEP Foundational Knowledge that can be satisfied |
CFNN 301 |
CFNN 401 |
CFNP 200 |
CFNN 202 |
CFNN 400 |
CFNS 200 |
CFNS 400 |
CFNP 100 |
CFNR 201 |
CFNP 550 |
4: The following are the Academic Performance Indicators from the 2013 ICDEP that can be satisfied by courses from the IEPN certificate program:
IEPN Certificate Course |
Academic Performance Indicators which can be satisfied |
CFNN 301 |
CFNN 401 |
CFNN 202 |
CFNN 400 |
CFNS 200 |
CFNS 400 |
CFNP 100 |
CFNR 201(on website) on IEPN curriculum mapping listed as CFNR 200. |
CFNP 350 (on website) on IEPN curriculum mapping listed as CFNP 200. |
5. The IEPN Practicum program may be considered to satisfy a previous order from a panel of the Registration Committee to complete any of the following practical training:
a. An internship or practicum that in the opinion of the Registration Committee is equivalent to an accredited internship or practicum in Canada;
b. A practicum designed to address the professional practice competencies related to the Canadian healthcare system;
c. A Canadian Orientation and Assessment; and/or
d. A Canadian Practical Training (CPT) practicum.
6. Where a panel of the Registration Committee identified gaps related to practicum-related performance indicators from the 2013 ICDEP, successful completion of the IEPN Practicum Program may be considered sufficient to address those gaps.
2-80 Authorization to Work in Canada
Policy Name: 2-80 Authorization to Work in Canada
Established: May 6, 2019
Revised: December 3, 2019
Policy Statement
As per section 3(1)3. of the Registration Regulation:
“3. The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada or must hold the appropriate authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) permitting the member to engage in the practice of dietetics in Ontario in the manner permitted by a certificate of registration.”
An applicant may be deemed eligible to write the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam, if they do not demonstrate 3(1)3. of the Registration Regulation, but must demonstrate that they are authorized to work in Canada to obtain registration with the College.
- A person is authorized to work in Canada if they:
- Are a Canadian Citizen;
- Are a permanent resident of Canada; or
- Possess a valid work permit or study permit which permits them to practice dietetics in Canada.
- An applicant is required to declare their authorization to work in Canada on their application form.
- An applicant must submit formal proof of their authorization to work in Canada with their application form.
- Upon request, an applicant who meets all other registration requirements will be issued a formal letter to confirm that the applicant has met the academic and practical training requirements, but will not be eligible for registration with the College until they provide formal proof authorization to work in Canada.
Upgrading/Re-Entry to Practice
3-10 Verification of Dietetic Practice
Policy Name: 3-10 Verification of Dietetic Practice Established: May 6, 2000 Reviewed: Revised: May 7, 2004, March 17, 2017, March 8, 2019, November 23, 2020, October 4, 2023
Policy Statement
The practice of dietetics can vary between jurisdictions. The College confirms that an applicant’s previous dietetic practice falls under the College’s Definition of Practising Dietetics, for two purposes:
1. To assess the currency of their dietetic knowledge and competence, and
2. To determine whether they have a history of good character and conduct.
As per Policy 3-30 Assessing Currency for Applicants, the College will confirm the applicant has been registered as a dietitian in another jurisdiction and has practised safely as a dietitian in that other jurisdiction for a minimum of 500 hours within the three years immediately before the date of the application.
1. Applicants will provide information about previous/current registration as a dietitian in another jurisdiction and will declare the number of dietetic practice hours in that jurisdiction over the preceding three years on their application form. 2. The College will confirm the applicant’s previous/current registration and good standing with the respective regulator(s):
a. For applicants currently/previously registered with another Canadian dietetic regulatory body, the applicant is required to contact the respective regulatory body to request the completion of the Canadian Labour Mobility Verification Form to be sent directly to the College.
b. For applicants currently/previously registered with a dietetic regulatory body outside Canada, the applicant is required to contact the respective regulatory body to request the completion of the College’s Verification of Registration Form [contact to obtain this form] to be sent directly to the College.
3. The College will confirm the applicant’s dietetic practice hours over the preceding three years through:
a. A current résumé or Curriculum Vitae (CV), and
b. Employment Verification, sent directly to the College.
4. Where an applicant is engaged in private practice, the applicant will provide:
a. a description of the dietetic service(s) provided,
b. dates of the service (to/from),
c. reason for termination of service (as applicable),
d. the average number of hours of dietetic practice per week, and
e. Private Practice Verification Forms from three former clients.
3-30 Assessing Currency for Applicants
Policy Name: 3-30 Assessing Currency for Applicants
Established: April 23, 1999
Revised: May 6, 2000, April 17, 2004, May 9, 2008, April 2014, June 1, 2018, February 3, 2020, November 23, 2020, May 30, 2022, January 23, 2023.
Policy Statement
The College of Dietitians of Ontario is responsible for developing, establishing, and maintaining the standards of qualifications for persons to be issued certificates of registration. The College considers that ensuring the currency of an applicant’s dietetic knowledge, skills, and judgement is in the public interest.
The requirements for ensuring the currency of an applicant’s knowledge, skills and judgement are set out in Section 6.(2) of Ontario Regulation 72/12 (Registration):
(2) If the applicant has not completed either of the requirements set out in paragraph 1 or 2 of subsection 6(1) within the three years immediately before the date that the applicant submitted his or her application, the applicant must,
a. have successfully completed a refresher or upgrading program approved by the Registration Committee;
b. hold a certificate of registration in another class with the College; or
c. satisfy the Registration Committee that he or she has been registered as a dietitian in another jurisdiction and has practiced safely as a dietitian in that other jurisdiction within the three years immediately before the date of the application.
This policy sets out the assessment criteria to be used by the College to determine when an applicant has sufficiently demonstrated the currency of their knowledge, skills, and competence. These assessment criteria will guide the College to determine whether to issue a certificate of registration and, if a certificate of registration will not be issued, what type of refresher or upgrading the applicant must complete.
An applicant meets the College’s currency requirements if they have:
1. Completed academic/practical training to satisfy the requirements in section 6(1) of the Registration Regulation, within the three preceding years prior to the date of application;
2. Completed additional graduate program(s) (outside of fulling the requirements of 6(1)) at the masters, doctorate, or post-doctoral fellowship level in nutrition (or related field to the dietetic profession) that satisfies the Registration Committee* within the three preceding years prior to application;
*The Registration Committee will use the following criteria in evaluating whether an applicant’s graduate program(s) meets the College’s currency requirements:
The graduate program(s) must be:
- of a reasonable length (e.g., minimum 1 year)
- focused on at least one core area of dietetic practice (nutrition care, population and public health, management)
- supervised by a thesis supervisor or committee, or other similar oversight; and
- practical or research-based, or contain a teaching component (i.e., did not only consist of course work), or the applicant participated in one or more research/teaching assistantships.
Applicants demonstrating currency through completion of graduate program(s) as per section ii) above are also required to submit a learning diary of all professional development activities completed within the preceding three years prior to the date of application. Contact the College to obtain a learning diary template.
3. Been registered as a dietitian** and practised dietetics safely (according to the College’s Definition of Practicing Dietetics) a minimum of 500 hours over the three preceding years prior to the date of application; the applicant must submit documentation as per Policy 3-10: Verification of Dietetic Practice.
**Applicant must be registered with a dietetic regulatory body which sets some form of standards for entry to practice, continued competence, good character, and conduct. Professional associations whose role is advocacy are not included.
4. Successfully completed a prior learning assessment approved by the Registration Committee within three years prior to the date of application; or
5. Satisfied the requirements in section 6(2) of the Registration Regulation.
Applications will be assessed on an individual basis, considering the following principles:
- Current demonstration of knowledge, skills, and judgement as defined in the national competency standards (the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice, or ICDEP);
- Length of time since last practice;
- Quality and quantity of efforts to maintain currency while not practicing;
- Flexibility in terms of options for applicants to demonstrate ongoing competence;
- The Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE) is a non-exemptible requirement. An applicant who has never successfully completed the CDRE is required to write the exam, regardless of the applicable option required/selected to demonstrate currency; and
- Once an applicant has successfully demonstrated their currency as outlined in this policy, they must meet all other non-exemptible registration requirements in order to be eligible for registration with the College.
If an applicant has met the academic and practical training requirements as set out in section 6(1) but is unable to demonstrate the College’s currency requirements as outlined above, they will be subject to the following, applicable to the applicant’s circumstances:
A. Registered with a dietetic regulatory body and practising dietetics for less than 500 hours over the preceding three years prior to the date of application;
B. Not registered with a dietetic regulatory body, but practising dietetics for 500 or more hours over the preceding three years prior to the date application;
C. More than 3, but less than 10 years prior to the date of application since:
- Last registration with a dietetic regulatory body;
- Completion of academic/practical training required under section 6(1) of the Registration Regulation;
- Completion of additional graduate program(s) (outside of fulling the requirements of 6(1)) at the masters, doctorate, or post-doctoral fellowship level in nutrition (or related field to the dietetic profession) that satisfies the Registration Committee, within the three preceding years prior to the date of application); or
- Last dietetic practice.
1. Where the applicant has not practised a minimum of 500 hours over the preceding three years, or the gap since the applicant’s completion of academic/practical training or last dietetic practice has been more than three years, but less than 10 years, the applicant will have two options for demonstrating the currency of their dietetic knowledge, skills and judgement:
a. Successfully complete the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination(CDRE), or
b. Demonstrate a range of continuing education/continuing competence activities which address the national competency standards.
2. If an applicant chooses to write the CDRE and is successful, they will be deemed to meet section 6(2)a of the Registration Regulation.
3. If an applicant chooses to write the CDRE and is unsuccessful, they will be required to complete continuing education/continuing competence activities, as outlined in 1b of this policy.
4. When an applicant chooses option 1b in this policy for demonstrating currency, or is required to complete 1b after receiving an unsuccessful CDRE result, they must provide information about continuing education/competence activities which have been completed to maintain the currency of their knowledge, skills, and judgement with respect to entry-level competence.
5. In assessing the applicant’s continuing education/competence activities, a panel of the Registration Committee will look for evidence that the applicant has sufficiently addressed all of the performance indicators in the national competency standards.
6. If the applicant’s continuing education/competence activities submission is deemed acceptable by a panel of the Registration Committee, the applicant is deemed to have met the requirements set out in section 6(2)a of the Registration Regulation.
Ten (10) or more years prior to the date of application since:
A. Last registration with a dietetic regulatory body;
B. Completion of academic/practical training under section 6(1) of the Registration Regulation; or
C. Completion of additional graduate program(s) (outside of fulling the requirements of 6(1)) at the masters, doctorate, or post-doctoral fellowship level in nutrition (or related field to the dietetic profession) that satisfies the Registration Committee, within the three preceding years prior to the date of application); or
D. Last dietetic practice.
1. Where the applicant falls under A. B. C. or D. above, the applicant must complete the College’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process to demonstrate the currency of their dietetic knowledge, skills, and judgement. PLAR Process for Demonstrating Currency image below.
2. If the applicant successfully completes the PLAR process, the applicant is deemed to have met the requirements set out in section 6(2)a of the Registration Regulation.
PLAR Process for Demonstrating Currency

Applicants Trained Outside of Canada
4-20 Applicants from Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Accredited Programs
Policy Name: 4-20 Applicants from Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Accredited Programs
Established: March 20, 1998
Reviewed: April 17, 2004
Revised: June 10, 2000, October 26, 2012, April 30, 2013, June 1, 2018, October 7, 2019, November 23, 2020, March 22, 2021, April 5, 2023, December 15, 2023
As per Policy 2-30: Competency Standards and Accrediting Bodies, until August 31, 2025, the College recognizes programs accredited by the United States-based Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND*), as equivalent to programs in Canada, where the accreditation award entitles the graduates of the ACEND programs to sit the licensure examination in the United States (US).
Until August 31, 2025, the Registrar (or designate) shall make the decision regarding eligibility to write the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam (CDRE) and for Temporary Registration of applicants from the following ACEND accredited dietetics academic and/or practical training programs:
- Mainland US;
- Puerto Rico; and
- International Dietetics Education (IDE) programs.
Beyond August 31, 2025, only the ACEND Future Education Model Program will be recognized as equivalent to a program in Canada. Applicants from other ACEND accredited programs will be required to undergo a College equivalence assessment.
If an applicant completed their ACEND accredited academic and/or practicum programs on or before August 31, 2025, the applicant will be deemed to meet the College’s current academic and practical training requirements.
The Registrar will refer an applicant to the Registration Committee according to the provisions in the Health Professions Procedural Code, being Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, if reasonable doubt exists as to any of the applicant’s qualifications.
Applicants who did not complete a College-recognized ACEND accredited academic program but gained registration with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) via a reciprocity route (except Canadian trained) will be referred to the Registration Committee for a credential assessment or required to undergo the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, subject to Policy 2-10: Assessing Academic & Practical Training Requirements.
*Formerly the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education.
In addition to completing the application form, the applicant must ordinarily arrange for the College to receive (as applicable):**
- Proof of current registration and a Verification of Registration Form from the Commission on Dietetic Registration;
- Certification of Standing and a Verification of Registration Form from the state licensing body;
- Verification of Registration Form from an international regulatory body;
- Official university transcript(s);
- Verification statement of successful completion of academic and/or practical training accredited by ACEND; and
- If the applicant’s education and training was completed more than three (3) years prior to their application, the applicant must demonstrate currency as per Policy 3-30: Assessing Currency for Applicants, and documentation as per Policy 3-10: Verification of Dietetic Practice.
** Items 1-6 must be sent directly to the College from the institution either by mail or through secure electronic means.
4-25 Recognition of “Dietitians Australia” Accredited Practising Dietitians
Policy Name: 4-25 Recognition of “Dietitians Australia” Accredited Practising Dietitians
Established: April 3, 2024
The College of Dietitians of Ontario recognizes applicants currently registered with Dietitians Australia who have full Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) status. The Registrar (or designate) shall make the decision regarding eligibility to write the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam (CDRE) and, upon request, for a Temporary Certificate of Registration, without additional equivalency assessment of the applicant’s academic and practical training.
Applicants from Australia that do not have APD status will be required to undergo a College equivalence assessment (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process). The Registrar will refer an applicant to the Registration Committee according to the provisions in the Health Professions Procedural Code, being Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, if reasonable doubt exists as to any of the applicant’s qualifications.
The applicant must submit and arrange* for the College to receive (as applicable) the following documentation:
- Completed application form and supporting documentation.
- Completed Attestation Form for Reading Resources.
- Proof of current/prior APD status from Dietitians Australia,
- Verification statement of successful completion of academic and/or practical training accredited from Dietitians Australia,
- Official university transcript(s) for all completed post-secondary degrees – may come directly from Dietitians Australia (as applicable),
- Verification of Registration Form from any other dietetic or professional regulatory body, and
- If the applicant’s APD status was obtained more than three (3) years prior to the date of application to the College, the applicant must demonstrate currency as per Policy 3-30: Assessing Currency for Applicants, and provide documentation as per Policy 3-10: Verification of Dietetic Practice.
* Documentation from Dietitians Australia, academic/practical training institutions, other dietetic/professional regulatory bodies, and/or employers must be sent by the institutions directly to the College at:
Jurisprudence Knowledge and Assessment Tool (JKAT)
All APD applicants must successfully complete the College’s JKAT, prior to being issued a certificate of registration to practise dietetics in Ontario. The College will provide applicants with instructions to complete the JKAT, once eligible.
4-50 Language Proficiency
Policy Name: 4-50 Language Proficiency
Established: January 23, 1998
Reviewed: April 30, 2013
Revised: May 5, 2000; February 10, 2001; June 10, 2001; April 17, 2004; May 12, 2006; September 27, 2006; December 14, 2015; February 3, 2020; May 17, 2021, November 28, 2022, January 31, 2024, April 3, 2024
As per section 3(1)4. of the Registration Regulation, “The applicant must possess sufficient language proficiency, in either English or French, to be able to communicate and comprehend effectively, both orally and in writing.” In determining an applicant’s language proficiency, the College may consider reasonable, objective evidence of proficiency in English or French as an alternative to formal language testing. Language proficiency test results are presumptive only and may be insufficient on their own where there is other evidence of language proficiency concerns.
1. Some of the circumstances that the College may consider as evidence of English or French language proficiency include, but are not limited to:
- The language of instruction in primary, secondary, and/or post-secondary schooling. Applicants demonstrating language proficiency through post-secondary schooling must submit a transcript from a university or college with degree granting authority, indicating successful completion of a program that is at least one academic year in duration.
- The primary language spoken in the area or region where the applicant grew up, particularly if the applicant certifies that this language was also the primary language in their household.
- The results of any previous language testing of the applicant. The fluency of the applicant’s written and oral communications with the College during the application process.
2. Where there is insufficient objective evidence of language proficiency in either English or French from the above sources, the applicant must provide language testing scores as described below.
Proficiency must ordinarily include:
- Language assessment from Test of English as a Foreign Language – Internet Based Test (TOEFL – iBT), International English Language Testing System (IELTS – General or Academic (including IELTS One Skill Retake)), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program – General (CELPIP – G), Pearson Test of English (PTE), or Occupational English Test (OET).
The minimum acceptable scores are as follows:
TOEFL (iBT) | IELTS-General | IELTS-Academic | CELPIP-G | PTE | OET | |
TOTAL | 79 | 6 | 6.5 | 7 (CLB* Level) | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Listening | 15 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 60 | 300 |
Writing | 13 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 69 | 300 |
Reading | 15 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 60 | 300 |
Speaking | 26 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 68 | 350 |
*CLB: Canadian Language Benchmark
Proficiency must ordinarily include:
- Language assessment from Test d’évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada) or Test de connaissance du français pour le Canada (TCF Canada).
The minimum acceptable scores are as follows:
TEF Canada | TCF Canada | |
TOTAL | 7 (NCLC* Level) | 7 (NCLC* Level) |
Listening | 249 | 458 |
Writing | 310 | 10 |
Reading | 207 | 453 |
Speaking | 310 | 10 |
*NCLC: Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens
3. Language proficiency test results remain valid if the test was taken within two (2) years before the date of application to the College.
Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE)
5-30 Upgrading After a Second Failure of the CDRE
Policy Name: 5-30 Upgrading After a Second Failure of the CDRE
Established: November 20, 1999
Reviewed: April 30, 2013
Revised: July 6, 2000, March 17, 2001, October 24, 2003, March 6, 2009, February 18, 2011, April 30, 2014, June 8, 2015, December 14, 2015, November 9, 2018, June 5, 2020, October 5, 2020, October 4, 2021, November 28, 2022
Policy Statement
An applicant who has failed the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE) twice must successfully complete upgrading before applying to re-write the CDRE for a third and final time. The upgrading will consist of academic and/or practicum upgrading as determined by the applicant’s previous CDRE results and a self-assessment of learning needs. A proposed upgrading plan must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate how the upgrading activities correlate to the candidate’s lower-performing examination areas and self-identified learning needs. While completion of upgrading after a second failure of the CDRE is intended to assist a candidate to best prepare, it does not guarantee success on a candidate’s third and final attempt of the exam.
- The applicant must submit a completed Self-Assessment of Upgrading Needs After a Second Failure of the CDRE.
- A panel of the Registration Committee will review and approve the applicant’s Action Plan for Upgrading After a Second Failure of the CDRE, prior to the applicant commencing the upgrading.
- The applicant must ensure that all supervising dietitians have reviewed Policy 2-11: Approving Supervisory Dietitians. All Supervising dietitians must complete the form here to confirm they are in compliance with Policy 2-11 prior to commencing a supervisory arrangement.
- The applicant will request any supervising dietitian(s) to submit the Verification of Practicum Upgrading Completion Form, directly to CDO, confirming the length of each practicum placement in hours, and the practice competencies and associated performance indicators that were covered during the placement.
- The applicant must submit evidence of completion of their Action Plan for Upgrading After a Second Failure of the CDRE,
- The Director of Registration will confirm that the applicant’s upgrading action plan has been sufficiently completed. The applicant will then be deemed eligible to attempt the CDRE for a third and final time.
- The upgrading action plan must be completed within three (3) years prior to the date of the applicant’s final CDRE attempt.
5-40 Approval of Supervision Plans for Temporary Registrants Following First Failure of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination
Policy Name: 5-40 Approval of Supervision Plans for Temporary Registrants Following First Failure of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination
Established: June 2012
Revised: April 30, 2013; January 2016; October 7, 2019, June 5, 2020, January 25, 2021, January 23, 2023.
Policy Statement
As per section 10.1.i of the Registration Regulation, a Temporary Registrant who fails the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE) on their first attempt will automatically have a term, condition, or limitation (TCL) imposed on their certificate of registration. The TCL requires that the Temporary Registrant shall only practise the profession under the supervision of another registrant who holds a General Certificate of Registration and who has agreed, in writing in the form provided by the Registrar, to supervise the applicant and be responsible for ensuring that the applicant provides appropriate care to clients. The following criteria will be used by the Registrar, or their delegate, in approving the supervision plan:
- The Temporary Registrant’s employer (if applicable) confirms approval of the proposed supervisory arrangements.
- The supervisor is in compliance with the criteria outlined in Policy 2-11: Approving Supervisory Dietitians.
- The plan for supervision includes the following:
- An assessment of risk in the registrant’s work environment;
- Direct observation of the registrant’s practice;
- Ongoing availability for feedback/guidance about non-routine situations; and
- Routine review of the product of the registrant’s practice.
- The registrant will be given 21 days from the date that the exam results are received to submit a supervision plan for approval. An extension to this deadline may be granted by the Director of Registration, if the employer or supervising dietitian confirms that planning is well underway.
- The plan will outline how the supervision will address the following elements:
- An assessment of the risk in the registrant’s work environment – The employer and the supervising Registered Dietitian (RD) will provide an analysis of the risk assessment that will consider:
- the nature of the client group in the work environment;
- practice activities the Temporary Registrant is responsible for that pose a risk to the public if not done competently; and
- the work environment (e.g., legal ethical requirements of the work environment; variability/predictability of the client group; does the registrant work in isolation or are their colleagues to consult or collaborate with?).
- An assessment of the risk in the registrant’s work environment – The employer and the supervising Registered Dietitian (RD) will provide an analysis of the risk assessment that will consider:
The plan should outline how the results of the risk analysis have been considered and addressed in the development of the plan. Exam results provided by the Temporary Registrant may also be considered.
- Direct observation of the registrant’s practice –The plan will include a means for the supervising RD to directly observe the Temporary Registrant in practice (with specific emphasis on identified areas of risk). The direct observation may be in person or virtual during the initial phase of the supervisory arrangement, and may take place through other means of communication as the plan progresses and the supervising RD is assured of safe practice. The plan should ensure that the supervising RD is able to:
- Access the required documentation/information within the Temporary Registrant’s organization (this includes measures to ensure both the mechanics of access, as well as any confidentiality/consent arrangements);
- Directly observe the Temporary Registrant in practice to identify strengths and limitations in practice, including the Temporary Registrant’s communication skills; and
- Provide feedback, guidance, and mentorship to confirm areas of competence and to help strengthen areas of weakness.
- Ongoing availability for feedback and guidance regarding non-routine situations -The plan will identify how the supervising RD will be contacted if the Temporary Registrant requires feedback or guidance about a non-routine situation. This should include access to all relevant client information as well as the method of communication between the Temporary Registrant and the supervising RD.
- Regular Review of the Temporary Registrant’s Practice –The plan will outline how the supervising RD will review the product of the Temporary Registrant’s practice on an ongoing basis.
- Direct observation of the registrant’s practice –The plan will include a means for the supervising RD to directly observe the Temporary Registrant in practice (with specific emphasis on identified areas of risk). The direct observation may be in person or virtual during the initial phase of the supervisory arrangement, and may take place through other means of communication as the plan progresses and the supervising RD is assured of safe practice. The plan should ensure that the supervising RD is able to:
The “product of the registrant’s practice” will vary depending on the area of practice. For example:
The frequency of the review will be determined after the initial period of direct observation. This regular review may decrease in frequency as the supervising RD becomes satisfied with the Temporary Registrant’s demonstration of competence. At a minimum, the regular review should continue on a monthly basis, unless the supervising RD documents significant evidence confirming the Temporary Registrant’s demonstration of competence. The review should include a regular evaluation of documentation with a focus on:
- Evaluating progress with respect to the Temporary Registrant’s identified areas for improvement, with reference to the Entry-Level Competencies.
- Ensuring sound dietetic process (e.g., assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation), especially in areas of risk that that have been identified for the work environment.
- Evidence of clear communication.