Professional Obligations
Professionalism for Registered Dietitians means being competent, honest and fair in their practice. Dietitians are guided by a Code of Ethics, professional standards and competencies that set out their obligations and responsibilities for providing safe, ethical and competent dietetic services.
The Professional Misconduct Regulation makes clear when a dietitian would be committing an act of professional misconduct that could lead to the suspension or revocation of their registration.
The Fundamental Duties of Every Dietitian
Respecting the controlled acts, the laws and standards governing the dietetic profession.
Practising according to the Code of Ethics.
Respecting the legal restrictions for the dietitian title.
Maintaining professional liability insurance.
Practising client-centred care, including not sexually abusing or mistreating clients (child abuse, abuse of individuals in long-term care, elder abuse).
Fulfilling mandatory reporting obligations.
Fulfilling Quality Assurance Program obligations.
Keeping member information up to date.
Communicating professionally and respectfully with clients, colleagues, employers, the public, and College staff.
Cooperating with the College in an investigation, inquiry or assessment conducted under the Regulated Health Professions Act.