Participate in College Work
The participation of college members is at the heart of being a self-regulated profession. Member participation ensures that professional dietetic standards and all related College products and activities are relevant to dietetic practice today.
Opportunities for Participation in Self-Regulation
The College relies on the professional knowledge and judgment of dietitians to help develop regulations, programs and policies for the delivery of safe, ethical and quality dietetic service to protect the public.
There are many opportunities to participate in College work. Dietitians can be elected on Council, they can be appointed to committees or working groups. They can also participate by responding to College consultations and surveys about new standards, policies or College activities. Periodically, the Quality Assurance and Registration Programs recruits assessors and item writers to implement their programs.
Seek Election to Council
Elections of Registered Dietitians to Council take place every year. Registered Dietitians who are in good standing with the College can be nominated and can vote in these elections.
Seek Appointment to Committees
Appointed committee members help support committee work.
Give Feedback to College Consultations
The College regularly consults on new or proposed changes to Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care regulations, by-laws, professional practice standards and guidelines.
Participate in the Quality Assurance Program
The College relies on the members to support the ongoing administration and maintenance of quality assurance programs. RDs are needed as:
- Peer Assessors are needed for both the 2 Step PPA and for Practicing Fewer than 500 Hours
- Item Writers are needed for the Jurisprudence Knowledge and Assessment Tool (JKAT)
Support the Registration Program
The College relies on the members to support the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Process (PLAR). RDs are needed as:
- Items writers for the Knowledge and Competence Assessment Tool (KCAT) — a multiple choice exam.
- Item writers for the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) — case-based questions in both oral and written format.
- Assessors for the PBA
To volunteer as an item writer or an assessor, contact: