EDI-B Updates & Resources
EDI-B Status Report
The College is pleased to present our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Status Report. We listened. We learned. And we achieved more than we thought possible, even amidst the challenges of a global pandemic and the complexities of the virtual world in which we were working.
We could not have come this far without the support of our Board of Directors, the EDI-B Working Group, College staff, the expertise of thought leaders and, most importantly, the dietitians of Ontario.
We welcome your feedback through our dedicated EDI-B email address (EDI@collegeofdietitians.org) and will continue to listen, reflect and learn.
December Update
CDO has updated their registration policies regarding the PLAR process and its accredited programs. We’ve also introduced a new tool and guide to improve EDI-B standards. Read our December 2023 EDI-B Update, which also includes information regarding our first EDI-B Status Report.
August Update
The College has updated policies and issued new standards and guidelines informed in part by EDI-B. Read our August 2023 EDI-B Update, which also includes information regarding teaching and learning initiatives, plus additional resources.
Governance & EDI-B
Update: March 2023.
- The Board has approved and adopted EDI-B as a corporate value.
- The Board approved a Competency and Attribute Framework for board directors, which identifies EDI-B as a core competency. Board directors are expected to be able to apply EDI-B knowledge to deliberations and decision-making.
- The Board briefing material templates have been updated to include sections connecting materials to EDI-B, public interest, and the strategic plan.
- An EDI-B “Teaching and Learning Moment” is now included in every Board meeting.
- The Board amended the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference to include EDI-B responsibilities related to supporting CDO’s EDI-B strategy.
Policy Review
- A new exam blueprint for the Knowledge and Competence Assessment Tool (KCAT), the first step in the College’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process, was developed using the revised Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP) 3.0. An EDI-B approach was taken to incorporate the expertise of internationally educated subject matter experts and RD indigenous review.
- Policy Determining Currency Hours in Dietetic Practice for Registered Dietitians in Ontario, during the consultative process, respondents were asked if they foresee the Draft Policy on Determining Currency Hours impacting people who identify as equity-deserving groups or populations. On the equity, diversity and inclusion impact, respondents described that in a predominately female-identifying profession, the pandemic response may have impacted those required to take on caregiving roles within their families (i.e. due to school closures) on currency hours.
- As a result, the Policy will make it more flexible for these groups (e.g. parents, especially women, with childcare responsibilities; racialized or internationally trained practitioners having difficulty obtaining paid employment) to meet the currency hours requirement. Respondents expressed that the Policy would make it easier for dietitians to continue redeployed work in the current environment and thus likely reduce economic burdens.
EDI-B Training and Development
- Developed an Unconscious Bias component based on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training for Quality Assurance Program assessors and focus group attendees.
Policy Revision
Update: February 2023.
- Policy 4-50: Language Proficiency and Policy 6-10: Eligibility for Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) were revised to provide more options for applicants to demonstrate their English and French language proficiency and recognize the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s current approved language tests for Skilled Immigrants (Express Entry), as required in the provincial government’s Registration Requirements Regulation under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.
- Policy 6-10: Eligibility for Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) was revised to extend the use of the Knowledge and Competence Assessment Tool (KCAT) to permit internationally trained applicants who have completed degrees reasonably related to dietetics, but who have not yet completed any formal practical training, to take of the KCAT. Policy 6-10 also now permits the acceptance of the World Education Services (WES) Gateway Program assessment for individuals who have been displaced by adverse circumstances and who have limited access to obtain official transcripts/documents.
- Policy 5-30: Upgrading After Second Failure of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE) was revised to provide an individualized and empathetic approach to determine an applicant’s learning and upgrading needs prior to attempting the CDRE for a final time.
Revisions to these policies provide greater clarity and transparency for all applicants regarding the College’s registration and documentation acceptance processes and ensure there are no undue barriers for equity deserving populations when seeking registration with the College. The new self-assessment process in Policy 5-30 also helps prepare applicants to reflect on their learning needs to fulfill their future Quality Assurance Program requirements, once registered with the College.
New Vision Statement
On September 30, 2022, the College Board approved the EDI-B Vision Statement (below) and CDO’s revised corporate values signaling the relevance of this work to the College’s public interest mandate.
The EDI-B Vision Statement and revised corporate values formally and publicly acknowledges the College’s commitment and intention in furthering EDI-B at the College and within the dietetic profession.
The College of Dietitians of Ontario recognizes the important role we play as an employer and as a regulator that serves and protects the public interest. We are committed to informed equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDI-B) action to minimize systemic barriers and to help build a more inclusive and equitable health system for all, including Indigenous peoples, immigrants, refugees, people who are racialized, people with disabilities and the 2SLGBTQIA communities.
Our commitment to informed EDI-B action is a conscious decision to foster respectful partnerships with the public, dietitians, employers, and healthcare providers. It is our shared responsibility to encourage anti-oppressive practices that embrace innovation and recognize the value of diversity to achieve sustainable and meaningful change.
We promise to listen, reflect, learn, and act in collaboration with our Council, staff, dietitians, and the public. We are committed to being transparent about our EDI-B work and actions and why they are important to us. This work is never done. As individuals and as an organization, we commit to being life-long learners and will continue to educate ourselves to better our work within our regulatory mandate and daily practices.
CDO’s Core Corporate Values are Integrity, Collaboration, Accountability, Transparency, Innovation, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.
Indigenous Awareness
On Friday, September 30, 2022, the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we remember the legacy of Canada’s residential school system and honour the survivors, their families, and their communities.
As part of this commitment to EDI-B, College Council approved an Indigenous Land Acknowledgment in 2021, which is read at the start of all Board meetings. Every year, the College also recognized the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30.
On November 30, 2022 both the Board and staff will participate in a Indigenous Unsettling & Trauma Informed Practice Workshop led by Sisco & Associates Consulting Services. In December 2021, Council participated in a Cultural Mindfulness education session led by George Couchie, a member of the Red-tailed Hawk Clan who lives on Nipissing First Nation, and delivers Native Awareness Training Programs and Initiatives.
EDI-B Training and Development
In 2022, Board, Committee appointees and staff participated in the following training:
- The Neurobiology of Trauma and the Implications on Memory, Behaviour and Trauma Informed Approaches
- Collaborative EDI Sessions: Anti-Racism and Equity Workshops
- Unsettling & Trauma Informed Practices: An Indigenous Lens
Additionally, CDO employees completed various types of EDI-B training based on their roles and own self identified learning goals.
In November 2021, Dr. Sukhera delivered a report to the College, which included a literature search, environmental scan, internal and external engagement, and a policy audit, to inform the future work of the College.
During 2021, College Council and staff engaged in focus groups facilitated by Dr. Sukhera, on EDI-B education and experiences. Consultation was provided to the professional practice team in developing an Annual Workshop series for dietitians, “Recognizing and Managing Unconscious Bias,” which was delivered during the Fall 2021. Under the leadership of the EDI-B Task Force, the College initiated a policy review and changes in a number of areas.
Social Media Focus Group
In July 2022, 20 dietitians with experience in social media and dietetic practice participated in a focus group to develop a Standard and Practice Guidelines for social media for Registered Dietitians in Ontario. The analysis was to better understand current practice in social media and dietetics.
As part of our commitment to the principles of EDI-B, applications from all persons, including Black, Indigenous, and people of colour, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities were encouraged to participate.
Bias Training For College Assessors
A training session was held on August 10, 2022, for Assessors scoring the Registration Program’s Performance Based Assessment, a component of the College’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process. This training session was similar to the half-day training session held on December 13, 2021, for Assessors in both the Professional Practice and Registration Programs, titled: Recognizing and managing bias in the context of dietetic practice assessments. The training included a video developed by Dr. Javeed Sukhera, case studies via breakout rooms, and discussion/reflections throughout.
Policy Revised To Improve Equitable Access To Registration
On May 30, 2022, Policy 3-30: Currency for Applicants was revised by the Registration Committee to recognize graduate studies to demonstrate currency of dietetic knowledge, skills, and competence. These revisions improve equitable access to registration, especially for those unable to afford paying registration fees while conducting research and education that contributes to the advancement of dietetic practice, which may include a focus on equity-deserving populations or clients.
Governance & EDI-B
The Board Code of Conduct was updated to reflect CDO’s commitment to EDI-B in carrying out its work. EDI-B has been incorporated as a component of respectful conduct, and gender-neutral pronouns have been adopted. As recommended by the findings of our EDI-B audit, this policy was revised to eliminate the consolidation of power asymmetries in favour of distributing power in a more egalitarian way. This was achieved by removing the expectation that Board members must respect the Chair’s authority and no longer referring to the Board’s solidarity in decision-making as “corporate obedience.”
Public Survey on EDI-B
In January 2022, the College launched an eight-week survey of the public, which sought feedback as to whether individuals have directly or indirectly experienced prejudice or discrimination during their involvement with the College of Dietitians of Ontario. The purpose of the survey is to explore how equity and anti-racism may influence the work of the CDO. This survey concluded as of April 1, 2022.
EDI-B Working Group
In May 2021, College Council struck an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDI-B) Working Group to advise CDO on its role in overseeing and monitoring the response to and implementation of EDI-B initiatives within the College.
The working group, which held its first meeting in May 2021, is informed by appropriate legislation, regulations and policy. Dr. Javeed Sukhera, an expert in the field, was retained to work with the College on EDI-B education and related work. Key objectives of the task force are to:
- Foster awareness-raising and ongoing learning related to EDI-B for CDO and stakeholders.
- Build capacity within CDO to recognize and address issues related to EDI-B.
- Ensure sustainability of EDI-B-related initiatives within CDO.
- Develop and monitor metrics related to EDI-B within CDO.
EDI-B Resources
Are you looking for more information on EDI-B? Click below for more resources recommended by CDO.
- The Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks
- The Importance of Pronouns
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
- Policy and Guidelines on Racism and Racial Discrimination
- Workplace Policies, Practices and Decision-Marking Processes and Systemic Discrimination
- Call it Out: Racism, Racial Discrimination and Human Rights
- Statistics Canada – Gender Diversity and Inclusion Statistics
- In Plain Sight: Summary Report: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care
- Questions ad Answers About Gender Identity and Pronouns
- The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- Indigenous Allyship Toolkit
- Experiences Canada – Anti Racism Resources
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Medical Association Journal: A focus on the health of Black people and anti-Black racism in health care in Canada
- Black Health Education Collaborative
- Women and the Workplace: How Employers can Advance Equality and Diversity
- Policy Statement on Francophones, language, and discrimination