Fewer Than 500 Hours of Practice FAQ
What is the difference between professional practice and development hours?
When reporting their practice hours to the College, some dietitians are confused about what counts as practice and what is professional development. Understanding the difference between practice and development hours is important because only practice hours count toward the 500 hours of practice in the past three years.
For more information, read Professional Practice vs Professional Development and What counts as a practice hour?
Do you have any suggestions on what I can do if I think I may not meet 500 hours of dietetic practice moving forward (e.g., over the next few years)?
When a member declares less than 500 hours of dietetic practice in the past three years, they receive information on their options (e.g., signing a voluntary undertaking, completing and submitting a learning diary, or resigning). The College appreciates that a member may not wish to sign a voluntary undertaking or resign and is currently evaluating this in the context of the pandemic.
In the interim, we would advise any member who is concerned that they may not meet the 500 hours of practice, as required, to review the definition of practicing dietetics considering any paid or unpaid work. In addition, you may wish to maintain a learning diary of professional development activities. Please click here for more information regarding learning diary.