What is the Jurisprudence and Knowledge Assessment Tool (JKAT)?
The JKAT is an online knowledge acquisition and assessment tool designed to improve a RD’s knowledge and application of laws, standards, guidelines and ethics relevant to the profession of dietetics in Ontario.
Who is required to complete the JKAT?
All new registrants must complete the JKAT, usually within the first year of membership with the College and every 5 years after that. Current registrants must complete the JKAT every 5 years.
How do I know I will need to complete JKAT?
You are notified by email and provided information about when and how you must complete the JKAT.
How do I access JKAT?
- Log in to your registrant dashboard on the College’s website (Registrant Home Page) and select JKAT button on the side of the web page.
- Ensure you have read the declaration (user agreement) and select your JKAT version to begin the online JKAT.
How many attempts do I have to successfully complete the portal?
Within 90-days, you have three (3) opportunities to successfully complete the JKAT with a cut score of 90%.
Will I receive any feedback on my results?
Yes, you will receive a summary of your results immediately after completion. The summary shows all the correct and incorrect responses. You will be able to view your score and questions with their rationales.
What if I don’t achieve the cut score of 90% on my attempts?
Registrants who failed to meet the passing cut score after the third trial must focus on individual learning of Jurisprudence Knowledge to retake the incorrect questions. If the Registrant fails to achieve the passing Score on this knowledge assessment, the Committee will consider the following steps such as:
- Directing the Registrant to take a course or workshop in jurisprudence.
- Directing the Registrant to work with a mentor who has successfully completed the JKAT.
- Directing the Registrant to work with the College’s Practice Advisors or Director of Professional Practice to improve knowledge in jurisprudence.
I have completed the JKAT, but I did not get my results. Can you help me?
Check to make sure you submitted your answers. Log into the JKAT portal, and if you can still access the questions, click on ‘Submit Final Answers’ to receive your final mark. If you cannot access your results contact Bev Nopra, Quality Assurance Analyst at bev.nopra@collegeofdietitians.org for assistance.
What happens if I don’t complete the JKAT by the deadline?
A registrant who is required to complete the JKAT and refuses to do so or does not contact the College to explain why they are unable to complete it may be considered to have committed an act of professional misconduct and, consequently, may be referred to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC).
What if I cannot complete the JKAT by the deadline?
You may submit a written request for an extension to complete the JKAT if you have a good reason, such as current hospitalization, illness or disability, bereavement, personal hardship, leave of absence or maternity or parental leave.
The written request should include:
- Your name and registration number clearly identified;
- A request for the extension in completing the JKAT;
- An indication of current work status; and
- Any information or reasons that are pertinent and supportive of the request and would assist the Committee in making its decision (information may be specific or general in nature).
Why do I have to write the JKAT more than once?
Like everything else, the laws and standards may change, or new standards may be enacted. For example, 11 years ago when the JKAT was initiated, would we ever have thought scenarios related to social media and dietetic practice would be necessary? Or, that medical assistance in dying (MAID) be relevant to the dietetic scope of practice? The JKAT is updated regularly to respond to health care delivery and dietetic practice changes. The JKAT strives to ensure dietitians have up-to-date knowledge of all applicable laws, regulations and standards they need to practice competently and safely.
My practice is in population health or management, why do I have scenarios related to patient care?
The scenarios provide the backdrop to illustrate the application of the laws, regulations or standards to dietetic practice; the practice area/setting is less important. In the three versions of the JKAT, everyone answers a fixed number of core questions, with questions added for patient care and private practice versions. There are 70 questions in each version.
The questions do not provide enough detail to answer the question. Why is that?
Take your time with the question. Then, instead, answer the question that is asked. Sometimes you think details are missing because as an experienced professional, we often think, “what if?”
The questions are not designed to trick you but provide enough detail to answer the question asked. Like all multiple-choice questions with four options, there are two wrong answers (distractors) and two answers where you must decide on the correct answer.
Question (item) writing is a meticulous process. Dietitians trained as item writers meet regularly to review the questions, write new ones and rewrite questions that need tweaks.
When I open the reference, why doesn’t it take me right to the answer?
The reference will take you to the section which applies to the question. Some reading is required to provide context to the issue being discussed.
I wrote down the option I chose for each question, in case I fail the JKAT. Now, when I go in to the JKAT, the right answer is in a different place. Why?
With every attempt of the JKAT, the answers are scrambled, so now the right answer could be in position “c” instead of “a.” If you are completing the JKAT on a second or third attempt, read the question and the answers carefully to make sure you choose the correct answer.
If you must make a second or third attempt at achieving the passing score of 90% in the JKAT, you will be given some new questions along with the questions you got wrong. The questions you got right will pre-populate as answered. Therefore, you will not have to answer all the questions you previously got correctly again.