Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee is responsible for holding hearings about allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence against dietitians referred by the Inquiries, Complaints, and Reports Committee. The Discipline Committee establishes a fair process for hearing evidence and taking appropriate action to address a dietitian’s conduct. The hearing and decision-making processes are in keeping with the The College publishes all discipline decisions and findings of professional misconduct or incompetence against dietitians are summarized on the Register of Dietitians.
Detailed information about the College’s discipline process and what registrants can expect is available upon request. Please email the College to request a copy of “Discipline Hearings: Information for Registrants.”
Discipline Hearing
A discipline hearing is a formal process conducted in a setting that looks like a courtroom. The hearing is usually open to the public. The Panel of the Discipline Committee is composed of at least three people, and two must be members of the public. The lawyer representing the College, and the dietitian or their lawyer present their cases to the Discipline Committee Panel. Evidence is presented under oath by witnesses and cross-examination is allowed. At the end of the hearing, the Panel deliberates and makes a finding.
If the Panel finds the dietitian guilty, it may:
- Revoke the dietitian’s certificate of registration.
- Suspend the dietitian’s certificate of registration.
- Impose terms, conditions, and limitations on the dietitian’s certificate of registration.
- Reprimand the dietitian.
- Require the dietitian to pay a fine to the Government of Ontario and/or some or all the College’s costs for the hearing.
Appeals of the Discipline Committee’s decisions may be made on application to the Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court of Ontario).
Discipline Decisions
Mary Donnelly-Vanderloo (June 30, 2022).
Upcoming Hearings
Notice of Hearings are posted on the Meetings & Hearings webpage.