Mandatory Self-Reporting for Dietitians
A Legal Requirement
Mandatory self-reporting is an important component of regulating the dietetics profession in Ontario. Self-reports alert the College to situations where a dietitian may not be practising safely and allow the College to take any appropriate steps to protect the public.
Immediate and No Later Than 30 Days
Under the Registration Regulation dietitian must self-report to the College immediately, and not later than within 30 days, if any of the following applies. In addition, they must also declare any of the following on their annual renewal:
- Has a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity or any similar finding, in relation to the practice of any profession, within Ontario or in any other jurisdiction; (Note: Information about findings from the College of Dietitians of Ontario need not be reported).
- Is the subject of a current investigation, inquiry or proceeding for professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity or any similar investigation or proceeding in relation to the practice of dietetics or any other profession in any jurisdiction; (Note: Information about College proceedings need not be reported.)
- Has a finding of professional negligence and/or malpractice.
- Is refused registration with a professional regulatory body in Ontario or any other jurisdiction.
- Is no longer in good standing with or is no longer fulfilling any terms, conditions or limitations imposed on the member by, any professional regulatory body in Ontario or any other jurisdiction.
- Was not in good standing at the time that she or he ceased being registered with a professional regulatory body in Ontario or any other jurisdiction.
- Charged or found guilty of any offence or bail conditions. An offence is a breach of law that is prosecuted in a court in any jurisdiction (e.g. Federal, provincial or other). Report any current existing charges against you (other than parking offences). Members should not “self-select” which offences they believe are relevant or worthy of a report: that determination will be made by the College.
- Any other event or circumstances that would provide reasonable grounds for the belief that a dietitian will not practise dietetics in a safe and ethical manner. This could include a physical or mental disorder affecting ability to perform essential duties or requirements of an RD and alcohol or drug dependence that affects the ability to perform or fulfill the essential duties or requirements.
- Ceases to be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident of Canada or ceases to be authorized to work in Canada.
- No longer maintains professional liability insurance as required under by-law #5.
How to File a Self-Report
- Make your self-report via an email addressed to the Registrar & Executive Director of the College.
- State that you are self-reporting.
- Provide details of any offence, charges, or findings of misconduct, disciplinary or incapacity findings.
- Include all relevant information.
- Include your contact information and your registration number.
Consequences of Not Making a Report
Failing to self-report is a serious matter and can result in referral to discipline.
For More Information or Assistance
Contact the Registrar & Executive Director of the College at
416-598-1725 / 1-800-668-4990, ext. 228