Who Needs to Complete an SDL tool?
All general registrants are required to complete and submit their SDL Tool annually. Anyone holding a general membership at the time of the renewal notification will be required to submit their SDL Tool by October 31. Any registrant who has signed a Voluntary Undertaking is not required to complete an SDL Tool.
What if I become a General Registrant after the renewal period?
If an individual becomes a general registrant after the renewal notices are mailed out, they are not required to complete the SDL Tool until the following year.
May I request an exemption from completing the SDL tool?
A registrant may request an exemption from completing an SDL Tool for one or more years for exceptional circumstances such as a long-term disability or illness that prevents them from working. The request must be in writing (by email, fax or letter) and the College must receive it at least one week prior to the October 31 deadline.
Am I required to complete my SDL Tool if I am on maternity or parental leave?
Yes – maternity or parental leave is not a reason for exemption for SDL Tool completion. Extension of deadline to submit the SDL Tool will be considered. Extension requests must be received in writing (email, letter, fax) prior to the deadline.
What if I miss the deadline for submission?
An administration fee of $133.40 is charged to any registrant who fails to submit their SDL Tool before midnight on October 31.
May I request an extension in submission of the SDL Tool
You may submit a request for an extension in submitting your SDL Tool to the Quality Assurance Analyst. You must do this one week prior to the October 31 deadline. In extenuating circumstances, requests received later will be considered. Requests considered by the Quality Assurance Committee for extenuating circumstances include: maternity/parental leave, personal hardship, current hospitalization, illness or bereavement.