SDL Tool: 2-40 Notification and Consequences of Non-Compliance
Legislative Authority: Health Professions Procedural Code, being Schedule 2 to The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, s 80.1 and O. Reg. 593/94: GENERAL, s 27, 28 Self-Assessment, Continuing Education and Professional Development.
Policy Statement
The College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO) is committed to protecting the public by regulating the dietetic profession in Ontario. We ensure that Registered Dietitians (RDs) uphold their commitment to currency, competence, and safe practice. The CDO’s Quality Assurance (QA) Program fosters this by supporting dietitians in the continuous improvement of their practice and encouraging them to meet QA requirements.
In instances where a registrant does not meet (non-compliant) the Self-Directed Learning Tool (SDL) Tool QA Program requirement, College Staff will refer the matter to the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) for review. The QAC will review information and determine the most suitable course of action, in keeping with the RHPA.
An administrative fee will be applied to registrants who do not submit their SDL Tools on time, in accordance with By-law 2 and will be automatically applied.
Non-compliance includes:
- A registrant not submitting a tool as required by the due date.
- A registrant submitting an incomplete SDL tool that does not meet the SMART format and content requirements set by the QAC.
Incomplete SDL Tools are:
- missing one or both required Learning Goals (LGs)
- missing evaluations of the previous year’s Learning Goals
- missing an action plan
- Contains a learning goal that is meaningless, irrelevant to dietetics or of inadequate quality
- QA Staff will send a written notice (via email) to all registrants by September 1st, reminding them of the requirement to submit an SDL Tool by October 31st. Additional reminders will be sent and posted on the College’s social media platforms during the 60-day notice period. Within 15 business days after the SDL Tool submission deadline (October 31st) or any approved extension, QA staff will identify registrants who have not submitted their SDL Tool. These registrants will be informed that their late submissions will be reviewed by the QAC.
- Continued non-compliance may result in a referral to the Inquiries, Complaints, and Reports Committee (ICRC), which could lead to further review under professional conduct legislation.